• EoFF Podcast - Round Two!

    So after the moderate success of our first Podcast, us merry bunch of idjits decided to try again, taking on board some of the comments and criticisms - we hope to have made number two even better than the first! The fact it has my beautiful 'Ode to BoB' as the theme tune is really a sure fire way to make it.... Well, the best thing ever! So come for a listen and see what has been on our minds this week!

    On the agenda this time around:

    • Xbox One!
    • The return of Elections and the Triple Triad Tournament
    • A look at some of the threads!
    • Favourite Final Fantasy moments!

    To listen to the Podcast on the site, click the player above!
    To download the Podcast, then right click here: and choose Save As!

    If you have any questions at all about the topics featured in the podcast and would like to share your own ideas, then please write a comment below and one of us will be sure to get back to you! If you would like to send in a question to be read out in our next Podcast, or if you have any other general ponderings then please PM me!

    Happy listening!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: EoFF Podcast - Round Two! started by Locky View original post
    Comments 56 Comments
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      Enjoy guys. We looked to cutting down the length by adding an extra 15 minutes. xD
    1. Goldenboko's Avatar
      Goldenboko -
      I want to know what Loony BoB was! >:0
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      (SPOILER)having a punt
      a charming runt
      on a hunt
      pulling a stunt
      about to grunt

      take your pick >=(
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      (SPOILER)A massive see ya next tuesday.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      It's all lies, she never saw me on Tuesday.
    1. Goldenboko's Avatar
      Goldenboko -
      Not to be a know it all but I'd also like to point out that where they both have 8 gigs of RAM, PS4's is GDDR5 and the XBone's is DD3. From what I understand GDD5 is better then DD3.
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      Oh god this conversation again.

      /leaves the internet forever.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post
      Not to be a know it all but I'd also like to point out that where they both have 8 gigs of RAM, PS4's is GDDR5 and the XBone's is DD3. From what I understand GDD5 is better then DD3.
      My explanation of this was cut because nobody but me cares. ;_; Also, my explanation was kind of hazy, but yeah.
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post
      Not to be a know it all but I'd also like to point out that where they both have 8 gigs of RAM, PS4's is GDDR5 and the XBone's is DD3. From what I understand GDD5 is better then DD3.
      We did have a long chat about this particular nitpick, but it was actually not very interesting. xD It was sadly cut.
    1. Goldenboko's Avatar
      Goldenboko -
    1. Psychotic's Avatar
      Psychotic -
      Do you really pronounce Sega as "Seega" Daniel xD
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Since I was around seven, yeah. Old habits die hard in that way. I only say it properly if I say it in that sing-song way they say it when you load up certain SEGA games.
    1. Dat Matt's Avatar
      Dat Matt -
      Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post
      Not to be a know it all but I'd also like to point out that where they both have 8 gigs of RAM, PS4's is GDDR5 and the XBone's is DD3. From what I understand GDD5 is better then DD3.
      Bob did go into detail about that, but I had to cut it because locky was snoring over when we were taking about it.
    1. Goldenboko's Avatar
      Goldenboko -
      That darn Locky!
    1. Dat Matt's Avatar
      Dat Matt -
      While I remember, there are two ways to interact with the podcast this time.

      1. PM Locky with your questions or comments. There were only two so she was crying last time.
      2. Soundtrack Competition - PM me with your guesses for what songs I used on the podcast this week. Get all three correct and i'll give you a shoutout!

      Also, as always, any comments or discussions are welcome.
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      srsly send us in comments
    1. Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
      Scotty_ffgamer -
      Haven't listened to the whole thing yet, and I don't know if I will be able to. Leaving the place where I'm getting wifi as soon as the rain stops here. I just want to say that appreciated the mention of me in the podcast! I've also been working on stuff while listening to the podcast, so I haven't been listening to it too closely. That being said, what I've heard does seem to be more focused and structured than last time. I did enjoy listening to this one more, at least so far.
    1. Dat Matt's Avatar
      Dat Matt -
      Quote Originally Posted by Scotty_ffgamer View Post
      Haven't listened to the whole thing yet, and I don't know if I will be able to. Leaving the place where I'm getting wifi as soon as the rain stops here. I just want to say that appreciated the mention of me in the podcast! I've also been working on stuff while listening to the podcast, so I haven't been listening to it too closely. That being said, what I've heard does seem to be more focused and structured than last time. I did enjoy listening to this one more, at least so far.
      One of the main things we looked at was the fact that there was no structure in the first podcast. We changed that this time. Seems to work.
    1. Cuchulainn's Avatar
      Cuchulainn -
      I listened to 7 minutes this time (an increase of 2 whole minutes). You ppl need to work on your filler. A tried and tested way to cut out silent pauses. Apart from that it wasn't smurfing terrible. You all have audio friendly voices which helps. Trust me, if you dont have one of those it can put ppl off no matter what you say.

      Also. how the smurf do you ppl find the time to play all those games?
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