• Gameplay Trailer For Final Fantasy XV - #E32013

    Here's a pretty sexy gameplay trailer for Final Fantasy XV for you, as if we hadn't been given enough treats from Square Enix today, they just top off that rather large cake with possibly the most juicy and ripe cherry of all!

    Three minutes and forty five seconds of absolute gaming awesomeness! If you think you know how a battle works in Final Fantasy, then think again - watch as Noctus flies through the sky, battling his foes from the sides of buildings. Just what even is gravity anyway? Watch as he dashes through a gang of Iron Giants, and wrestles against a beautiful Behemoth - gosh, I just cannot wait to see a glorious Behemoth on the big screen, in the complete glory of these graphics... Simply marvelous.

    Sorry, just give me a couple of minutes to stop squeeing over how gorgeous Behemoth is.

    Okay, I'm okay.

    Also in this trailer, a nice look at another character. I'm unsure as to whether this guy is playable or not, but as he steps up to face Behemoth I'm sure he probably is. He's tattooed with facial hair and hulking shoulders... Pretty dreamy in fact. Nope, still not enough to take away my awe at Behemoth. Can you tell how much I love Behemoth? I thought not.

    I'll say no more, watch this stunning trailer for yourself and share your thoughts below!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Gameplay Trailer For Final Fantasy XV - #E32013 started by Locky View original post
    Comments 47 Comments
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Yeah, I don't really get that criticism. Is it because they have tall buildings? Is it because they have stairs and chairs inside households? Both of those things existed within all Final Fantasy games. I'm pretty sure any world featuring cities with people boating into the main area via an aquaduct highway, not to mention Leviathan and Behemoth and magic spells and all that, is very much a world of fantasy. As for classes - do you know that for sure? Also, they were gone in FFVII too, but that game didn't do too badly.

      It amazes me how quick people are to write off this game.
    1. ShinGundam's Avatar
      ShinGundam -
      Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by Khaotic View Post
      Way too realistic, nothing fantasy about it. Looks like they're fighting in New York City, classes have pretty much been thrown out the door. Sorry, not a fan of the next-gen direction.
      That's realistic? Do you live in the Matrix or something?
      Lol XD.
      Yeah, the game is fantasy or did you forget LEVIATHAN battle and ocean castle.
    1. Fynn's Avatar
      Fynn -
      Quote Originally Posted by ShinGundam View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by Khaotic View Post
      Way too realistic, nothing fantasy about it. Looks like they're fighting in New York City, classes have pretty much been thrown out the door. Sorry, not a fan of the next-gen direction.
      That's realistic? Do you live in the Matrix or something?
      Lol XD.
      Yeah, the game is fantasy or did you forget LEVIATHAN battle and ocean castle.
      You mean you don't have a huge sea serpent in a lake nearby? Huh, what are the odds.
    1. Jinx's Avatar
      Jinx -
      To be fair, I think if FFVII was re-made, it would look "realistic" too. This is in part due to the advances in graphics that we have today.
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      Well, Midgar in Advent Children certainly looked realistic
    1. FFFFsephychibi's Avatar
      FFFFsephychibi -
      I'm incredibly impressed. I understand if some people don't feel it's their type of game, and understand if 13 was such a big disappointment that they don't want to touch this next game. But I feel like people keep on forgetting that the man behind kingdom hearts (Tetsuya Nomura) is directing, came up with the story for this, and the characters for this just like with kingdom hearts. The man who did the character designs for FFVII, VIII, X "the good final fantasies" The man who was with squaresoft before the merge, he is really experienced, I trust him. This is not going to be just like any old final fantasy and it's certainly not going to be like any FF from the past 5 years. It's going to have action rpgs elements cause that's what kingdom hearts has always done. And if you like a lot of the kingdom hearts games and it's gameplay, your probably going to like this one.

      Basically what I'm saying is I feel like people are quickly writing it off like it's just another game, it's just another final fantasy, no big deal. When in fact this is not just another final fantasy, this is a special one thats had a really long development cycle.... XD

      I've watched both trailers about 20 times now, and kinda can't stop. It's like a dream come true, the main trailer revealed during the conference shows off a lot of the cutscenes and story and ridiculously fun looking gameplay, the trailer later released during the future of final fantasy is mostly the battle gameplay which is very KHDDD and KH2, which is awesome.

      There's some beautiful things happening in the trailers as well especially during actual battles. Like when noctis casts some type of fire spell at the behemoth, he reacts to the flames by shielding his face. The behemoth, crushes environments, the environments are no longer a pretty wall paper but part of the action and gameplay. Little things like these may not seem like a big deal, but they contribute the the player experience without us even realizing, you start to form a connection with the world and it's characters.

      The only thing I'am particularly curious about, the UI is very different. Kind of want to know what happend to the "magic, ex-arts, summon, and item" menus which are now replaced with "warp, attack, and linkform". I really like how the ui is very sleek and simple looking now though.

      Some of my opinions may not be right, but it's how I feel about this game, I really believe in it. I truly believe this game is going to bring me back to those great experiences I had as a teen playing older installments of FF and KH.
    1. Pumpkin's Avatar
      Pumpkin -
      Well it certainly looks good.

      Apparently it's an action RPG and I'm usually terrible at those . I think you still have the three party system and can switch between lead characters (a la FFXII). I might be mistaken, I've read so much about this game the past few days I might be getting things confused. But from the trailer it seems to be a three party thing. They're also seen using magic.

      It's just so fast paced, I don't know that I could play it successfully. I dunno, I might just watch Joe Bryan play it or something. I'll definitely give it a try though. It could come off as different to play than it looks in the trailer.
    1. FFIX Choco Boy's Avatar
      FFIX Choco Boy -
      Quote Originally Posted by FFFFsephychibi View Post
      I'm incredibly impressed. I understand if some people don't feel it's their type of game, and understand if 13 was such a big disappointment that they don't want to touch this next game. But I feel like people keep on forgetting that the man behind kingdom hearts (Tetsuya Nomura) is directing, came up with the story for this, and the characters for this just like with kingdom hearts. The man who did the character designs for FFVII, VIII, X "the good final fantasies" The man who was with squaresoft before the merge, he is really experienced, I trust him. This is not going to be just like any old final fantasy and it's certainly not going to be like any FF from the past 5 years. It's going to have action rpgs elements cause that's what kingdom hearts has always done. And if you like a lot of the kingdom hearts games and it's gameplay, your probably going to like this one.

      Basically what I'm saying is I feel like people are quickly writing it off like it's just another game, it's just another final fantasy, no big deal. When in fact this is not just another final fantasy, this is a special one thats had a really long development cycle.... XD

      I've watched both trailers about 20 times now, and kinda can't stop. It's like a dream come true, the main trailer revealed during the conference shows off a lot of the cutscenes and story and ridiculously fun looking gameplay, the trailer later released during the future of final fantasy is mostly the battle gameplay which is very KHDDD and KH2, which is awesome.

      There's some beautiful things happening in the trailers as well especially during actual battles. Like when noctis casts some type of fire spell at the behemoth, he reacts to the flames by shielding his face. The behemoth, crushes environments, the environments are no longer a pretty wall paper but part of the action and gameplay. Little things like these may not seem like a big deal, but they contribute the the player experience without us even realizing, you start to form a connection with the world and it's characters.

      The only thing I'am particularly curious about, the UI is very different. Kind of want to know what happend to the "magic, ex-arts, summon, and item" menus which are now replaced with "warp, attack, and linkform". I really like how the ui is very sleek and simple looking now though.

      Some of my opinions may not be right, but it's how I feel about this game, I really believe in it. I truly believe this game is going to bring me back to those great experiences I had as a teen playing older installments of FF and KH.
      QFT I couldn't agree more Chibi. Tetsuya Nomura for the freaking win! Just as long as it's not another Final Fantasy VIII...
    1. CimminyCricket's Avatar
      CimminyCricket -
      I haven't been excited for a Final Fantasy since X. I'm very excited to play this game.
    1. Khaotic's Avatar
      Khaotic -
      Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
      Yeah, I don't really get that criticism. Is it because they have tall buildings? Is it because they have stairs and chairs inside households? Both of those things existed within all Final Fantasy games. I'm pretty sure any world featuring cities with people boating into the main area via an aquaduct highway, not to mention Leviathan and Behemoth and magic spells and all that, is very much a world of fantasy. As for classes - do you know that for sure? Also, they were gone in FFVII too, but that game didn't do too badly.

      It amazes me how quick people are to write off this game.
      People take my words too literally, instead of trying to see the point I was trying to make. Obviously I feel *in my opinion* Final Fantasy titles shouldn't appear so "real" in terms of graphics. If people honestly thought I meant every single object in the video is compared as realistic in real life, then I don't really know what to say other than quit trying to find an argument out of nothing just because it is criticism to something you may enjoy.

      Final Fantasy 7 sort of did have classes, it was more on their personality, limit breaks, and weapons. For example, it was pretty clear that Yuffie was a thief, Cid was a Dragoon, and Aerith was a White Mage - true, they didn't necessarily specialize in said class, however you could still feel a bond with them based off the classes Final Fantasy is known for.

      Problem here is we view the word "fantasy" different. To me, that video didn't depict as much fantasy as something else would, the spells and summons simply looked out of place. When I see chocobos running around, moogles, cactuars, different "fantasy" landscapes, maybe my opinion will change, but for now I'm sticking with what I said.

      Not trying to call you out, Bob, just thought your reply at least seemed thought provoking unlike the others.
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      This would fall under the genre "urban fantasy" its a sub genre of fantasy.
    1. Ouch!'s Avatar
      Ouch! -
      Are you suggesting that Final Fantasy should have a more stylized art direction? If so, that boat sailed almost 15 years ago. Aside from Final Fantasy IX, no numbered entry in the Final Fantasy series has featured stylized art direction since consoles moved from sprites to polygons.

      Despite being photo-realistic, I think you'd be hard-pressed to describe Final Fantasy XV as mimicking real life. In just these two most recent trailers, we've seen enormous examples of neo-gothic cathedrals built on the edges of waterfalls (seriously, take a look at the shot at 1:30 in the Sony press conference reveal trailer and tell me that city looks like anything other than pure fantasy), soldiers wearing full heavy plate armor with bucket helmets and machine guns, giant airships, monsters, magic, over-sized swords, and a main character who freaking teleports up the sides of buildings. I'm genuinely confused as to what more that you could possibly want.

      It seems that you have an objection to urban fantasy, but urban fantasy is still fantasy, even though it may not be the type you prefer. But suggesting that urban fantasy is new to the series (and thus a surprise) is ingenuous. Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X (to a lesser degree, but Bevelle and Zanarkand both qualify), and XIII all featured modern (or futuristic), urban locations set-pieces. I'd argue that aside from the cars and such, the cities we've seen so far are remarkably similar to Archades or Rabanastre from Final Fantasy XII in design.

      And we've only seen small portions; FFXV allegedly features an enormous, open world. Who's to say that there aren't sprawling fields and mountains to traverse? I sincerely doubt that the entire game will take place in one city. Just because we haven't seen them yet doesn't mean that there won't be chocobos, moogles, and cactuars. We've seen a combined 8 minutes of footage from the most recent demo and trailer. It's probably a little early to start complaining about what is missing.

      Edit: Beat to urban fantasy, but there it is.
    1. Khaotic's Avatar
      Khaotic -
      Difference between those games and 15 is that 15 has much better graphics. Simply put, it's going to be hard to avoid a Space Jam problem once they introduce more cartoon types of characters. Honestly, once you start seeing chocobos or moogles, you don't feel like they'll be out of place? or simply forced into the game? How about a cactus with a face running around?
    1. Sephiroth's Avatar
      Sephiroth -
      Quote Originally Posted by Khaotic View Post
      How about a cactus with a face running around?
      It is not like Noctis looks like the typical human being. He looks like an anime-hero like all the protagonists. I did not mind facing Cactuars with Terra, nor with Cloud, with Squall who even chased one with a mustache and I don't with Noctis either.

      I totally agree with you what I see from the atmosphere and gameplay is not what I normally prefer for Final Fantasy. But I don't even know the final result and I am sure that I will not only enjoy things I wanted to be included and which will be shown but also many of the things which were not like in the normal Final Fantasys.
    1. Del Murder's Avatar
      Del Murder -
      Yeah, you're barking up the wrong tree if you want a stylized fantasy setting. This hasn't been the series for that kind of stuff for years.

      I do see the criticism of having a 'too modern' world. I certainly wouldn't want to play a FF game set in Tokyo, and having Leviathan pop out of the ocean wouldn't be enough to offset the normality of the world. But clearly FFXV isn't going to be entirely like that. There's a floating castle for gods sake!
    1. Khaotic's Avatar
      Khaotic -
      Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
      Yeah, you're barking up the wrong tree if you want a stylized fantasy setting. This hasn't been the series for that kind of stuff for years.

      I do see the criticism of having a 'too modern' world. I certainly wouldn't want to play a FF game set in Tokyo, and having Leviathan pop out of the ocean wouldn't be enough to offset the normality of the world. But clearly FFXV isn't going to be entirely like that. There's a floating castle for gods sake!
      Fair enough, I'll agree that maybe the Tokyo lookalike area wasn't my cup of tea and it may have clouded my judgement on the rest of the game. I'll wait to see what else is revealed about the rest of the game.
    1. Depression Moon's Avatar
      Depression Moon -
      The water is the worst place to be when Leviathan is around.
      The game looks fun, but the teleporting confuses me. I hope the game maintains classic FF elements such as magic, items, and summons. I think I saw a fire spell cast twice, but I'm not sure where it came from. That scene with the behemoth in the parking deck was cool, so was sword fighting with an iron giant and killing him with his own sword then torching his corpse.
    1. Fynn's Avatar
      Fynn -
      I remember reading that Noctis can teleport to anywhere one of his swords is.
    1. Vyk's Avatar
      Vyk -
      That video gave me the biggest metaphorical "WTF boner". In a good way

      It was like God of War, and Xenoblade Chronicles had a baby in Grand Theft Auto land. And then just colored everything Final Fantasy for the decor. I can maybe understand where people are hesitating. But so far it looks like the first real effort since like ... a long time. Very long time

      I'm genuinely stoked. And I honestly never thought I'd feel that way about a Final Fantasy release again. I really hope it pans out at LEAST better than FF13..
    1. FFFFsephychibi's Avatar
      FFFFsephychibi -
      Does anyone notice how like the last 30 seconds of this trailer looks like it's from FFVII? I don't think that original mood we got from the earlier trailers has disappeared entirely looks so exciting!
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