• Gameplay Trailer For Final Fantasy XV - #E32013

    Here's a pretty sexy gameplay trailer for Final Fantasy XV for you, as if we hadn't been given enough treats from Square Enix today, they just top off that rather large cake with possibly the most juicy and ripe cherry of all!

    Three minutes and forty five seconds of absolute gaming awesomeness! If you think you know how a battle works in Final Fantasy, then think again - watch as Noctus flies through the sky, battling his foes from the sides of buildings. Just what even is gravity anyway? Watch as he dashes through a gang of Iron Giants, and wrestles against a beautiful Behemoth - gosh, I just cannot wait to see a glorious Behemoth on the big screen, in the complete glory of these graphics... Simply marvelous.

    Sorry, just give me a couple of minutes to stop squeeing over how gorgeous Behemoth is.

    Okay, I'm okay.

    Also in this trailer, a nice look at another character. I'm unsure as to whether this guy is playable or not, but as he steps up to face Behemoth I'm sure he probably is. He's tattooed with facial hair and hulking shoulders... Pretty dreamy in fact. Nope, still not enough to take away my awe at Behemoth. Can you tell how much I love Behemoth? I thought not.

    I'll say no more, watch this stunning trailer for yourself and share your thoughts below!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Gameplay Trailer For Final Fantasy XV - #E32013 started by Locky View original post
    Comments 47 Comments
    1. Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
      Scotty_ffgamer -
      I need this game now. It looks like great fun, and for once my roommates won't heckle me while playing a Final Fantasy because they think turn based battle is stupid.
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      I don't think I paid any attention to this trailer once Behemoth came on. He's all I needed to see. I may as well hand over my money right now.
    1. KH-Cloudy's Avatar
      KH-Cloudy -
      The first word that came to mind immediately was: fun. Second would be: graphical.
    1. Elpizo's Avatar
      Elpizo -
      It really does look good, but I still can't quite figure out how this battle system will work exactly. It all looks so very fast, you can barely keep up with what's happening on the screen. I guess we'll have to wait until we see someone actually play it. Has there been any word of a demo being playable at E3? Aside from that, those Behemoths did look sweet, I like that design much more than the XIII one, in any case. Though I do have to wonder why they're pinkish. I also saw some Iron Giants, so I guess we'll be seeing more classical FF enemies in this too. The game has potential, lots of it. Then again, so did XIII...
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      I will keep in touch with my contact about a playable demo, but I'm afraid he's rather busy on the phone to Nomura about getting me a certain monster as a pet....
    1. DMKA's Avatar
      DMKA -
      Looks incredible. I can't wait.

      It feels so surreal seeing all this new material, confirming that this game is real and is actually going to come out. I feel like I'm dreaming.
    1. pablo-hassan's Avatar
      pablo-hassan -
      The game looks incredible and cant wait! Literally had tears of joy when it was shown at the playstation event lets hope its got a release date for next year
    1. Aulayna's Avatar
      Aulayna -
      Attachment 43786

    1. Dets's Avatar
      Dets -
      It appears if it will play similar(ish) to the Kingdom Hearts games. Just, a lot more complex.
    1. Mirage's Avatar
      Mirage -
      While I was kind of annoyed at the retitling of the game, I must say that it is shaping up to be everything I ever hoped for.

      Totally hyped, man.
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      OMG look at that gameplay!!! It's so pretty. The action rpg elements are awesome. I'm impressed!
    1. Yar's Avatar
      Yar -
      lol the hype. you guys realize that it's been seven years and still they have no planned release date?

      This game is still a pass for me. No thanks, SE.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Quote Originally Posted by Locky View Post
      I don't think I paid any attention to this trailer once Behemoth came on. He's all I needed to see. I may as well hand over my money right now.

      FFXIV Collector's Edition. You get a behemoth as a pet. Just sayin'. Also, behemoth barding for your chocobo.
    1. Fynn's Avatar
      Fynn -
      Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
      lol the hype. you guys realize that it's been seven years and still they have no planned release date?

      This game is still a pass for me. No thanks, SE.
      They already played us two trailers. That's already twice as much info as last time. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced a date by the end of E3.
    1. FFIX Choco Boy's Avatar
      FFIX Choco Boy -
      I so want to play this. A really nice change of pace for Final Fantasy, and I'm more than willing to try anything at this point. Except Final Fantasy VIII again, of course. But, man... Square Enix doing a physics engine? It's not the greatest looking, but a hell of a lot better than anything Bethesda has done. And it's got me more than sold. Take my money now, give me the game yesterday, I say.
    1. Fynn's Avatar
      Fynn -
      Did anyone else notice one of Noctis's swords looks like the Advent Children version of the buster sword?
    1. Khaotic's Avatar
      Khaotic -
      Way too realistic, nothing fantasy about it. Looks like they're fighting in New York City, classes have pretty much been thrown out the door. Sorry, not a fan of the next-gen direction.
    1. Aulayna's Avatar
      Aulayna -
      They've also uploaded the announcement trailer now too so we can finally see it again but in proper HD.

    1. charliepanayi's Avatar
      charliepanayi -
      Quote Originally Posted by Khaotic View Post
      Way too realistic, nothing fantasy about it. Looks like they're fighting in New York City, classes have pretty much been thrown out the door. Sorry, not a fan of the next-gen direction.
      That's realistic? Do you live in the Matrix or something?
    1. ShinGundam's Avatar
      ShinGundam -
      Really looking forward to see summoning elements. The scale looks huge.
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