• Cross-platfrom Shared Saves for Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster

    Good news if you have both a Vita and a PS3. At the recent Japan Expo 2013 in Paris, Yoshinori Kitase confirmed a much wanted feature for the new Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster: You can use the same save across platforms!

    Kitase confirmed to a crowd of fans that you can seamlessly take one save to the other platform and start where you left off on the previous platform. Not only is this for Final Fantasy X but also for Final Fantasy X-2. Both games will have this feature implemented.

    So when you have to leave the house after playing the game to only sit on a bus to commute, you can start where you left off with no problem and ease your boredom. The Remaster will come bundled on the PS3 but the Vita will have each game sold separately.

    Does this make you excited that you have both? If you don't have both would you buy a Vita/PS3 to use this feature? What do you think of this cross save addition?

    Source: RPGsite
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Cross-platfrom Shared Saves for Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster started by Freya View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. Pumpkin's Avatar
      Pumpkin -
      That's a neat feature. It would affect me personally, but I know there's a few games I have I would have loved to be able to do something like that.
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      I don't have a Vita and don't really intend to so this piece of news doesn't really affect me!
    1. Aulayna's Avatar
      Aulayna -
      Good news for the 3 Vita owners in the world! xD

      (provided they don't having to buy the game twice...)
    1. Dr. rydrum2112's Avatar
      Dr. rydrum2112 -
      cross platfrom shared saves would be 100x cooler if it was the ps2 ones being used in the new HD version... or Xbox & PS could share.
    1. Mirage's Avatar
      Mirage -
      Totally saw this coming when I read Kojima's blog like a year or two ago, where he said that he was talking with some dudes at SE about his new transfarring thing.
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