Hello there everyone! A new week is upon us, and that means a new showcase of Final Fantasy fan art, and we're only halfway through the summer of the year. While we're at it, let's see what this showcase have in store for us! I hope you enjoy what we have.
arekluwe @ DA
freya crescent
We have just celebrated a special member's birthday this week on Eyes on Final Fantasy. In celebration of Freya's birthday, our first feature will be of the character her screen name was based off. Freya of Final Fantasy IX!
dark-naruko @ DA
Lightning-Aya Brea
Wasn't there a DLC of Aya Brea in Lightning's outfit for her latest game? Or was it the other way around that there's going to be an Aya Brea outfit for Lightning in her own newest game?
XmedeaX @ DA
Here's an adorable drawing of Rikku that was done in the style of Arina Tanemura. It looks otterly nice, and it appears that the next character the artist will attempt is going to be Yuna! We shall look forward to that!
Rinoa00Rose @ DA
Terra and Celes
And the two leading ladies of Final Fantasy VI in this magnificant piece. I otterly like the shading done in the artwork, especially with their hair.
DeadShadow666 @ DA
The dark magician
Kuja is a great villain, isn't he? Here, have a Kuja artwork this week!
StuartMDay @ DA
Cloud and Tifa
Topping off this week is this nice drawing of Cloud of Tifa in an AU where they would be going to school together, or at least that's how Stuart imagined it himself. You can also check out more of his amazing artwork on his tumblr blog here or his deviantart page here.
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