• Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #45

    Hello there! Welcome to a new week of amazing fan art to be shared with our friends here. Square Enix is amongst one of the best video game companies and to be one of the best, they need a large fanbase. Within the fanbase, there are a legion of fan artists, and this week we'll be sharing just a few of what these fan artists have. Sit back, relax, and enjoy what we have in this week's showcase. Be sure to visit the sources and send the artists any compliments or comments you may have for them. Thanks!

    Tosphi @ DA

    Tifa Lockhart: Evanascense

    Here's a rather gorgeous artwork of the lovely Miss Tifa Lockhart.

    Robaato @ DA

    The Don's Choices

    Remember way back when we featured a fan art featuring lady Cloud being picked by Don Corneo? Well, it's pretty much like that, but not really. We have the three fine choices for the Don to pick! Aerith, Tifa, and "Cloudette". One certainly doesn't look very happy to be there.

    KKBatoretto @ DA


    Whoa, I really like this artwork of Lightning that was based off of Amano's logo of Final Fantasy XIII-2. Very cool!

    mikeyjosh @ DA


    Looks like Zell has been laying off the hotdogs and working on his martial arts. Just look at that body. :O

    ArtistAuthorWIP @ DA


    Before you ask, CoD doesn't stand for Call of Duty, as that would be pretty weird. Well, not really, since that would mean Kuja would probably be playing that game if it were. However it is not, and it's Kuja paired with the Cloud of Darkness from Final Fantasy III. A weird pairing, in my opinion.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #45 started by Agent Proto View original post
    Comments 25 Comments
    1. Spooniest's Avatar
      Spooniest -
      Didn't I just say how old-fashioned I am?
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      Quote Originally Posted by Spooniest View Post
      Didn't I just say how old-fashioned I am?
      I was half-expecting you to re-enact Tifa's pose in that stunning artwork just so you could show how you could pick it apart from your angle.
    1. Spooniest's Avatar
      Spooniest -
      Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
      I was half-expecting you to re-enact Tifa's pose in that stunning artwork just so you could show how you could pick it apart from your angle.
      If you've been reading my posts, you'd know that my insanity mostly centers around comically overblown rage. By contrast, when it comes to sex, I'm kind of boring and ashamed.

      But back on topic, I think Cloud's facial expression is a tad too cartoonish...it kind of bounces me out of the picture. It'd be funnier if his expression were more believable...nitpick, I guess.
    1. NeoCracker's Avatar
      NeoCracker -
      Kuja gonna get raped. O_O
    1. Agent Proto's Avatar
      Agent Proto -
      I'm surprised to see this showcase get so much attention. :O
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