• Hajime Tabata and his team are working on FINAL FANTASY XV

    In a recent interview with Famitsu magazine, Hajime Tabata revealed that his team have now shifted over to assist with development of the eagerly anticipated FINAL FANTASY XV!

    Famitsu asked why things have been relatively quiet on the handheld console front for Square Enix as of late:

    Firstly, there’s Final Fantasy XV. I’ve recently joined as the co-director, and I’m currently giving it my all, along with the Final Fantasy Type-0 team, and development is going smoothly. We’re currently plunging into an important phase, where the engine developers and game developers are preparing to work together.
    Hajime and his team are known mostly for their handheld titles such as Crisis Core: FINAL FANTASY VII, FINAL FANTASY Type-0 and KINGDOM HEARTS coded. For someone with such a veritable array of successful handheld games under their belt, why the big jump?

    I never felt the extreme desire of ‘I want to make it!’ on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. However, after seeing the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One take their level of expression to a whole other level, I’ve become motivated. After seeing it on the big screen, the more I think about seriously challenging that world with quality product, the more it feels possible.

    It is something similar to what you get from a culture shock after traveling overseas. As an artist, I believe that there’s an amusing feeling that comes from being able to captivate something that wasn’t possible up until now.
    In the same interview he also touched upon his desire to bring FINAL FANTASY Type-0 and Agito to western shores which we've covered recently.

    Interesting stuff overall, and by the sounds of it things are about to go full steam ahead for FINAL FANTASY XV. Are you excited about what Tabata and his team can bring to the table? Let us know in the comments.

    [Source: http://www.novacrystallis.com/2013/0...al-fantasy-xv/ ]
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Hajime Tabata and his team are working on FINAL FANTASY XV started by Aulayna View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
      Scotty_ffgamer -
      Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded was garbage, but I do remember the original cell phone game looking somewhat impressive to me at the time it came out. Type-0 seems to be excellent, and I really enjoyed Crisis Core. I'm sure Tabata and his team will do a fine job on the game, and it's good to have more people join in the making of the game to help speed up the process I think.
    1. Hollycat's Avatar
      Hollycat -
      The sooner this comes out, the sooner they can all start working on Kingdom Hearts. That's the only thing that matters.
    1. Del Murder's Avatar
      Del Murder -
      Quote Originally Posted by Scotty_ffgamer View Post
      Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded was garbage, but I do remember the original cell phone game looking somewhat impressive to me at the time it came out. Type-0 seems to be excellent, and I really enjoyed Crisis Core. I'm sure Tabata and his team will do a fine job on the game, and it's good to have more people join in the making of the game to help speed up the process I think.
      Yeah, Re:Coded is a strike against them, Type-0 is supposedly great but I'll never know, and Crisis Core had it's highs and lows but was good overall. I think FFXV will be good, but I don't want this guy to overcommit himself and get into a pressure situation that leads to delays or an inferior product.
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