• Square Enix presents A New World: Intimate Music From FINAL FANTASY

    LONDON, Saturday 15th February 2014 will ring in the sound of sweet music to fans of FINAL FANTASY. Or something. Square Enix announced today a special concert from the producers of Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY, being held exclusively in London. The show is touted as "Music from FINAL FANTASY on a personal and intimate scale that has yet to be experienced."

    The event will be held at the history LSO St. Luke's Jerwood Hall and features new arrangements of music from throughout the 25 years of FINAL FANTASY within a variety of chamber ensembles. From piano, guitar solos, duos and trios to string quartlets and other mixed groups of instrumentalists, there's bound to be something for everyone.

    Fan favourite Nobuo Uematsu and his faithful partner Arnie Roth will also be there with a special keyboard and violin arrangement of FINAL FANTASY VI: The Dark World. Other renowned performers present include pianist Benyamin Nuss and the Navarra String Quartet.

    Tickets go on sale on Wednesday, 18th December 2013 at 10am GMT for a standard price of £50 with special VIP packages, featuring a meet and greet with Nobuo Uemtasu and arnie Roth for the slightly more pricey fee of £100.

    Tickets can be purchased directly from the LSO Box Office at:

    A New World: intimate music from FINAL FANTASY | LSO St Luke's Concerts | London Symphony Orchestra
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Square Enix presents A New World: Intimate Music From FINAL FANTASY started by Aulayna View original post
    Comments 21 Comments
    1. Karifean's Avatar
      Karifean -
      Oh the jealousy is building up...
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      What is up with Square's sudden hardon for England?
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
      What is up with Square's sudden hardon for England?
      I quite like the hard-on actually. I'm from England, and I'd absolutely LOVE to go to my very first concert/music thing, and it to be Final Fantasy related!

      Not to mention, it's only a few days before my birthday! Of course, I'm far too poor to go to it, but, I can dream, at least.
    1. Minami's Avatar
      Minami -
      This is sooo tempting for me but i probably won't go as i'd have to pay for hotel/travel on top of the ticket cost. Live too far north of London to go for the day
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      Stupid London.
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      Quote Originally Posted by Minami View Post
      This is sooo tempting for me but i probably won't go as i'd have to pay for hotel/travel on top of the ticket cost. Live too far north of London to go for the day
      Don't get me started on costs.

      - £50 straight up for the ticket.
      - IF I'm staying over, cost of the hotel. Might be able to catch a late train back, but maybe not.
      - Oh yeah, train as well. They don't come cheap.
      - Cost of food etc.
      - Any other random costs I can think of.

      Not to mention, I wouldn't go by myself, so I'd have to find someone who is willing to go to a Final Fantasy concert with me, and pay all the above prices.

      Eh. It'd be such a perfect birthday too.
    1. Aulayna's Avatar
      Aulayna -
      There are plenty of hostels in London that are fine for overnight stays.
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
      What is up with Square's sudden hardon for England?
      I quite like the hard-on actually. I'm from England, and I'd absolutely LOVE to go to my very first concert/music thing, and it to be Final Fantasy related!

      Not to mention, it's only a few days before my birthday! Of course, I'm far too poor to go to it, but, I can dream, at least.
      B-but -sniff- I'm on the other side of the pond! -cries and bes jelly-
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      Quote Originally Posted by Aulayna View Post
      There are plenty of hostels in London that are fine for overnight stays.
      This is very true.

      If you plan well, you can get to and from London not-too-expensively. It's £10-15 for a coach ride from Glasgow to London, I'm sure if you forgo the train as your "main" transport you might be able to find something a bit cheaper. :3 Get a reasonable hostel for the overnight. Don't buy any food while you're there - make your own and take it with you.

      This'll leave the most expensive thing as the ticket to the show. Which will always be the case.
    1. Carl the Llama's Avatar
      Carl the Llama -
      When I saw this in my email box I jumped for joy, so planning on going! Best of all, I live loacally enough that London is only a short train trip away so no overnight stay for me!

      My only concern is funding, I really cant afford to buy a ticket till I get paid and that's in 4 weeks time.
    1. Fynn's Avatar
      Fynn -
      Hope they release a CD too like they did with Distand Worlds. That was one of my favorite FF albums.
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      Haha, it sold out in minutes anyway.
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      Seriously. xD Matt and I were hoping to go but we were gonna discuss it this evening. OH WELL.
    1. AssassinDX's Avatar
      AssassinDX -
      Heh, I had the same problem when I wanted to go to see Final Symphony last May at the Barbican, the 'cheap seats' at £50 sold out in minutes and even the expensive ones were gone in less than an hour. I'm now aiming to take my girlfriend to Paris for their performance in March for her birthday, but I get the feeling it'll sell out before I'm even aware of the tickets being on sale.

      Still, Square's hardon for London is all good with me, I live 70 miles away.
    1. LadyJuxtaposition's Avatar
      LadyJuxtaposition -
      If they're having the same concert at the USA, then I am buying tickets to go see it!
    1. Psychotic's Avatar
      Psychotic -
      As soon as I saw the news I was excited but yeah, like the rest of you by the time I was able to check the site yesterday it was sold out. I might take a quick peek at eBay...
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Bawwwwwwwwww, I wish I saw this earlier, would have made for a great mutual Valentines gift. Genuinely gutted! Would have totally gone for the £100 tickets.
    1. Carl the Llama's Avatar
      Carl the Llama -
      Sold out already? God Damnit!
    1. I Don't Need A Name's Avatar
      I Don't Need A Name -
      Looks like I'm the only one who got tickets then
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      I know, I checked on the day, but alas, I was too late. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! I would have loved that for my birthday/Valentines. Never been to a FF concert as well. I was very excited!
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