• FFXV Trailer for PS4

    As you may or may not know, the Playstation 4 didn't release worldwide at the same time. Japan had a delayed release. In fact it's still not out! It comes out there on Feb 22nd. Luckily for us, this means that Japan is releasing a bunch of new trailers for their upcoming games. This includes Final Fantasy XV!

    The trailer itself shows a lot of scenes we've already seen but there are some new ones int here as well. This two and half minute trailer makes us shake in our Germinas Boots all over again. So take a break from your long work day and take a gander at the trailer.

    Are you excited? Look at that Leviathan! This trailer shows some of the platforming and gameplay. What do you think about it?
    This article was originally published in forum thread: FFXV Trailer for PS4 started by Freya View original post
    Comments 24 Comments
    1. Del Murder's Avatar
      Del Murder -
      Looks much more action-oriented than any other Final Fantasy to date, but I'm sure it will be fun whatever it is. I hope you get to control more than just Noctis.
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      Gameplay looks sick.
    1. Noctis Caelum's Avatar
      Noctis Caelum -
      Only thing I noticed that was different from the E3 videos is that the actual attacks now show a numerical damage. Which is cool and classic FF. But seriously Square, please release a proper NEW trailer for this. I'm begging you. They promised a new video at the Tokyo Game Show and, just like this, basically showed us 99% of stuff we already saw at E3.
    1. Aulayna's Avatar
      Aulayna -
      Yeah I was going to ask, was there actually anything new in that at all. It just looks like a re-edit of both the trailers we got last year.
    1. Pumpkin's Avatar
      Pumpkin -
      Largely similar to what we've already seen. I'm with Del that I hope we get to control multiple characters. I am curious as to what Link Form or whatever it said is.

      I'm not huge in to action type of gameplay. I liked KH, but overall I prefer more of a traditional Final Fantasy style, so I'm not sure how well I'll do at this game. makes me a bit nervous.

      Visually stunning, of course. Do you have to fight Leviathan? Just watching it is intimidating :<
    1. Noctis Caelum's Avatar
      Noctis Caelum -
      My friend and I feel that the gameplay for this is like Devil May Cry on absolute steroids. It REALLY looks like it's more of a hack n slash than the traditional RPG that FF has built its reputation on. Which I find new and bold for them to think of doing. Think about it, every other big industry game is too scared to change their mechanics. Pokemon games haven't changed at all in the last 20 years, besides some VERY minimal graphical "upgrades". And then you have Call of Duty games that just don't do anything different. And here you have Final Fantasy just telling everybody to sit the smurf down and show us a grand ol' time.

      I like the changes that it's going for, but I'm more eager to see how it plays out. The combat that we've seen thus far looks faster than anything I've ever seen in a video game. And I'm very fond of the Hack n Slash genre so that is saying something.
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      I like it too. It got me pumped just watching the trailer (first time I saw the trailer btw). Feels like one of those games that would make you pay if you so much as blink.
    1. Rostum's Avatar
      Rostum -
      Looks impressive. I'll need a PS4 sooner than I thought!
    1. Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
      Scotty_ffgamer -
      Yeah, I think showing the numbers for the amount of damage you are doing and maybe a few seconds in another spot are the only "new" things in this trailer. I honestly don't mind that much personally. It would be nice to see more just to know that more work has gone into it, but I almost want to just go in knowing as little as possible at this point. I have great faith in at least the design of the world, and I want to experience seeing a lot of the places and getting blown away by them for the first time while playing.

      The action/hack-n-slash style I can handle. It would be nice to get a more traditional battle system, but I enjoy Kingdom Hearts and could handle a system similar to that. I am interested in seeing the level progression in this game though. We don't know if we can control anyone aside from Noctis, and we also really don't know how customizable the characters are.
    1. Mercen-X's Avatar
      Mercen-X -
      I fear the opening act may be the most action-packed portion of this game and the rest will feel sadly very slow.
    1. Edge7's Avatar
      Edge7 -
      In the PS3 build of the game, it looked like you could play as the other characters. The guy with the huge sword seemed more effective with heavy weapons, and the guy with the handgun allowed you to aim manually for an enemy's weak spots. I hope they keep that idea; it gave the game a bit more variety, you have a versatile main character, and a party of characters with specialized abilities.
    1. Kalevala's Avatar
      Kalevala -
      I'd like a really challenging game akin to the Devil May Cry series. I can't see them doing that, though. The fans are a fickle bunch, and that's one drastic change I can't see going over very well.
    1. DMKA's Avatar
      DMKA -
      Looks as awesome as ever, but I'm not seeing anything new here.

      I sometimes wonder if they're actively working on finishing the game or if it's just something they work on in their spare time between HD Remasters, FFXIV, and mobile games.
    1. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
      Jessweeee♪ -

      Attachment 51872

      Um, so what does that mean? Sequels?
    1. Jiro's Avatar
      Jiro -
      It would be nice to see new footage.
    1. FFFFsephychibi's Avatar
      FFFFsephychibi -
      Just noticed enemies have a yellow target ring on them. Just like KH, I'm even more excited now. I really hope this is out by the summer.
    1. Noctis Caelum's Avatar
      Noctis Caelum -
      It will not be out until 2015. Just my guess. They have done NO promotion for this game whatsoever, besides E3 trailers. It's gonna be promoted heavily this summer, but even then it will still be too early. I'm definitely not gonna get my hopes up and expect it this year.
    1. FFFFsephychibi's Avatar
      FFFFsephychibi -
      ^Thats def. a possibility. It could also be out in 4th quarter 2014 aka holiday season which is a prime time to make sales. Me and a few friends where talking about how basically, once lightening returns and ff10 hd remake (and possibly kh2hdremix) is out of the way they will essentially go full force promotional advertising/marketing on ff15 building hype until it's release. If they don't, after those titles are out, then idk anymore lol!
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      I can see it as Q1 of 2015 at the earliest but E3 may surprise us.
    1. FFFFsephychibi's Avatar
      FFFFsephychibi -
      Friends at work just messaged me this: Final Fantasy 15 'quite far into development, given high priority' by Square - Final Fantasy XV for PS4 News

      Late 2014/early 2015 is def achievable if this is the case.
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