• Final Fantasy XV Demo Details

    During a NicoNico live stream, Final Fantasy XV's new director Hajime Tabata has shared details for the Final Fantasy XV demo 'Episode Duscae' which was shown off earlier this week.

    The upcoming demo is set in the Duscae region of Final Fantasy XV. The region you will explore will be in the early stages of the game itself. It'll show off the various new systems they have in place including the driving mechanics. You can either drive yourself around, designate a driver out of one of your party members, or walk across the region. They mentioned there may be some chocobos to ride in the demo if they have time to include them for fans to test out as well.

    Dungeons will be available to players to experience the combat and how it works in the XV world and party members will have random talking events as you travel to make the world seem more realistic. There wont be a boss fight but Square Enix has said that there will be something even more impressive, which will have a huge impact on fans of the Final Fantasy series. What that impressive thing is? We can only guess.

    The demo itself should take about 3-4 hours to play, although if you opt not to drive the car, it could take you far longer.

    Final Fantasy Type-0, released March 2015, will include the download voucher for the Final Fantasy XV Demo -Episode Duscae- on both PS4 and Xbox One.

    What do you think is this impressive thing us fans will be impacted with? Are you excited about the demo? Will this prompt you to buy Type-0?
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy XV Demo Details started by Freya View original post
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
      Scotty_ffgamer -
      Possibilities for the end of the demo:

      It is a big boss, those liars!

      It is Big Boss. SNAAAAAAAAAKE!

      A release date.

      The demo ends with you walking into an abandoned looking town, fog rolling in all around you. The music starts to get a bit creepy, and the radio you carry with you starts to get static-y. You move your flashlight to the distance where you hear a sound, the static getting louder. A large shadow appears in the fog before you. The the words pop up on the screen: Silent Hil(SPOILER)da Garde! The fog clears and there's an airship! Oglop Cid hops down from the ship! The fog was Mist all along! Oglop Cid then proceeds to tell us "Airships are back!"

      A code appears that will unlock SOMETHING in the final game, but they don't say what. That code actually is a Hypello skin which turns literally every character in the game into Hypello. Ride ze Shoopuff? Shoopufs waiting. All aboards!


      Lightning, but she has bigger boobs.

      A download code for FF I.

      The words Mistwalker appear on the screen. This game has actually been secretly codeveloped with Sakaguchi for 10 years! Nobuo is also back.

      A reveal that it is only coming to Japan. Us westerners don't like Japanese games.

      A reveal that it is only coming out on mobile. It will be waiting for years for mobile technology to catch up to their vision.

      Triple Triad is back.

      A very realistic looking Mukki falls from the sky to reveal that FF VII is getting remade.

      Mukki is actually revealed to be the main character.

      The words "In Development" flash across the screen. In smaller letters beneath "More info will come soon. Stay excited!"

      Tabata's face appears on the screen. He starts excitedly stating that the moment has finally come. The moment we've all been waiting for. We've been waiting for years for this announcement, to know when the game is finally coming out, to have a release date. And then he whispers,(SPOILER) "April Fools." The Tidus laugh starts playing. The demo was released on April 1st, which you just now realized. This was an elaborate April Fools joke 10 years in the making.
    1. FifthDream's Avatar
      FifthDream -
      Moogles. The impressive thing is moogles.
    1. fat_moogle's Avatar
      fat_moogle -
      This is going to be the BEST DEMO EVER! I'd totally pay to play it...

      ...oh wait, I will be! I would have been getting Final Fantasy Type-0 HD regardless so to me having the demo is just a huge bonus.

      I'm really looking forward to trying out the combat. It sounds quite simple; hold one button to continuously dodge, another to continuously attack. But that's the basics without spells and such, so hopefully there's a bit more to it than that.

      The demo seems to be quite a generous play time, 3 - 4+ hours. That's about as long as Heavenly Sword was on PS3 xD. The addition of dungeons is extremely welcome, too. FFXIII was really lacking in the exploration department, so to have such an open world at your fingertips to explore from the beginning will be amazing. If Chocobo's make it in to the demo, then even better. I think maybe we won't get those though as they might not have composed a new Chocobo theme, and may reveal them at a later date.

      Also, is anyone else wondering what happens to the car if you keep deciding to leave it and walk? Will it just magically appear at the next area? Will you have to travel back and get it? Can you control it remotely? Who knows!
    1. chionos's Avatar
      chionos -
      I'm guessing the impressive thing is a massive crystal.

      Man, I hope this turns out the way they're implying. I miss exploring, truly exploring in FF, and if they brought it back, even if I hate the modern setting, even if they took forever, all will be forgiven.
    1. FifthDream's Avatar
      FifthDream -
      The car is summoned in a really long cut scene once your meter is full. XD
    1. Lawr's Avatar
      Lawr -
      A trailer for the FFVII remake!
    1. FFFFsephychibi's Avatar
      FFFFsephychibi -
      Does anyone think that the demo will be dubbed in english by then :x!!!!!!!???? Or do you think we'll have japenese audio with english subs? Wasn't the LR demo dubbed in english?
    1. Vyk's Avatar
      Vyk -
      Just one more reason to sink money into SE. They just keep finding ways lol I kinda want Type-0 anyway
    1. Del Murder's Avatar
      Del Murder -
      At the end of the demo Noctis gets kidnapped, but they leave him with his cell phone. Fortunately he just recently downloaded 'Final Fantasy Saga' which is your typical SE cell phone cash grab. The remainder of FFXV is played through Notics's phone as he sits alone in his holding cell. The impressive thing is that you are playing it through your console this time!
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