• FFFFsephychibi Created an AMAZING Piece of Final Fantasy XV Art

    It's not exactly a secret that Eyes on Final Fantasy has some great artists, and when I saw this drawing from FFFFsephychibi of Behemoth and Noctis of Final Fantasy XV, I wanted to give it a spot pride of place on the frontsite. Here are the two images (a before and after picture) and a quick Q and A about it! Enjoy, and don't forget to leave a comment!

    Great picture FFFFsephychibi! I just have to ask though, why Behemoth?
    Behemoth has always been one of my favorite recurring monsters from the series. They feel really fierce in these trailers, and I love the wild, destructive, and ferocious nature. The E3 2013 trailers really captured a personality for Behemoth and I wanted to capture and portray a little bit of it myself. I really want to fight them.

    How long did it take you to draw this?
    I would say a little under 2 hours!

    What did you use to draw this?
    Photoshop CS6 and a Cintiq!

    Do you think you'll do anymore FFXV art like this?
    Yes, definitely yes. I want to make more monster fanart definitely, and sketch more Behemoths. Also character fanart, but I might wait till more info and visuals are released

    Finally, are you excited for FFXV?

    It's actually been the most anticipated title for me over the past 8 years and I'm still absolutely ecstatic about it. I cannot wait, bring it on!

    Thanks for your time FFFFsephychibi! Do you have some awesome fanart that you have drawn for Eyes on Final Fantasy that you'd like to get a solo showcase for? It could be you next!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: FFFFsephychibi Drew an AMAZING Piece of Final Fantasy XV Art started by Lockharted View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      That thing looks fierce. Good job, FFFFsephychibi.
    1. Psychotic's Avatar
      Psychotic -
      That's fantastic. You really get a good sense of the scale of the hulking monstrosity. Nice going FFFFsephychibi!
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      I'm a real fan of the 'graphicness' of it, and yes that is a totally real artistic term.
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      I'm very impressed. I really like your style
    1. Rocket Edge's Avatar
      Rocket Edge -
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