• Final Fantasy VII: Moments

    Over the past four months, I have been working with over 100 artists to recreate the entire story of Final Fantasy VII in art forum. All the famous moments and many smaller moments will hopefully inspire nostalgia in you all! Come, take a peak. And prepare to be taken on a journey as you witness Final Fantasy VII in a way you've never seen before.

    This was created as a birthday present for Eyes on Final Fantasy. We are now 15 years old!


    Final Fantasy VII is a game full of incredible moments. Some of these are very, very well known. Many people remember, for example, Sephiroth standing in the middle of a burning village. You’ll also likely recall him later on, piercing a certain someone’s body to the dismay of millions around the world.

    But do you remember all the little things? Many people would have unwittingly skipped right past a couple of scenes featuring Johnny. I dare say some of you might not even know who Johnny is! Or perhaps you might not recall the finer details of how Barret lost his right hand. The famous moments have been drawn time and time again—and rightfully so—but it is the complete story, full of small moments as well as the big ones, that really makes this game great.

    When the wonderful staff I work with at Eyes on Final Fantasy asked what we should do for our 15th anniversary, a few ideas were tossed around and I mentioned that we could get our much-loved artists the DeviantArt group involved. After mentioning examples of what we could do, the idea of a complete Final Fantasy story—told through artwork—sprang to mind. I never expected anything this big.

    The original plan was to get about 60 artists involved initially, knowing that some would have to cancel as is the way with people who have busy lives. I put together a list of 180 moments in the game, thinking I may as well start high because then if I get around half that, it’s still a huge project. In the end, over 100 artists created over 200 works of art, and I am—a week before this project is due to be released—still getting more art in, and still getting artists asking if they can do something. I’m having to come up with more and more ideas on what to draw!

    In this project, you will stumble into an unprecedented gallery of artwork created by fans out of nothing but love of Final Fantasy VII, the Final Fantasy series as a whole and—of course—the love of art. In the comments below this article, the complete thread and the PDF document you will see the artist's name (real or nickname), their DeviantArt account and their country of residence (some countries were undisclosed out of artist preference). The DeviantArt name is also a link to their DeviantArt page, I encourage you to click them!

    Name - DeviantArt Account Link - Country of Residence

    Beneath their credit information you will find text provided by the artist, and in their own native language. This may annoy some, but in the end Final Fantasy VII is a game loved around the world, and this is our way of showing off just how global that love really is. In some cases the text will be a quote from the game, in some cases an invented quote. More often, it will be their thoughts or feelings on the moment they have created in art form.

    Every work of art seen in this document was created from scratch for this project. Everything is new. I personally can not thank the artists enough—each and every one of them has taken the time to do something for nothing in return, sometimes spending months working for it. I couldn’t be more proud of them or their artwork.

    - Daniel Towns / Loony BoB, owner of Eyes on Final Fantasy

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy VII: Moments started by Loony BoB View original post
    Comments 961 Comments
    1. Nut's Avatar
      Nut -
      Pff, I like Elena's disapproving face in the background when the Turks are talking about their crushes. :P

      DrAssenov, loving the angle and perspective in your picture of Zack's parents, the way the characters appear larger closer to the foreground gives it a sense of depth and I'm really enjoying the different reactions you gave everyone with their expressions and body language; the soft lighting from the window and the way Tifa's body is in shadow adds a lot of dramatic contrast! I thought the scene was quite bittersweet as well.

      And wow, stunning background on the Cosmo Canyon piece, the strong blues and reds bring out the atmosphere of the place very well, with the silhouetted foreground framing it nicely. Really like all the detail in the cliff and the small lights burning in the houses, brings back memories of one of my favorite areas; I still love that music.
    1. LadyJuxtaposition's Avatar
      LadyJuxtaposition -
      Any moment that involves sitting around the campfire with friends is very beautiful! I kind to want to make some s'mores right now. XD
    1. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
      noxious.sunshine -
      This is incredible.

      Y'all are absolutely fantastic artists!
    1. Midorisa's Avatar
      Midorisa -
      The Cosmo canyon scenes and Bugenhagens observatory video and lesson was indeed quite deep and beautifully done. It had very deep impact on me. I remember having chills running down my spine when that music started and Bugen began to tell the story about the planet.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -

      Sarah Gavagan - gavi-gavi - United States

      Nanaki, Red XIII, howls in honor of his father's sacrifice as the rest of the team hides to give him some screen time for his backstory!
    1. Cherubi's Avatar
      Cherubi -
      Oww the team looks so cute.
    1. Puft's Avatar
      Puft -
      Haha, I like that Cloud and others are peeping in at Bugen and Red. I've always wondered if they'd sneaked and stayed around for a bit, haha. Nice!
    1. Psychotic's Avatar
      Psychotic -

      I must have something in my eye.
    1. DrAssenov's Avatar
      DrAssenov -
      Aaaah I love this drawing style too!!!!
    1. Midorisa's Avatar
      Midorisa -
      Wonderful emotion and colors in Nanaki/ Setos reunion. I honestly cried when the music started and Nanaki discovered the truth about Seto's true nature and fate. Ah the feels . Wonderful job gavi-gavi!
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -

      Valerie Evalyn Watson - MissEvalyn - Canada

      It's been so long that I can't remember my initial reaction to this scene — was it confusion? skepticism? upset? — and yet returning to it all these years later feels like checking up on an old friend. This is one of the first points in the story where Cloud is more earnest than cocksure, where we start to see the conflict between who he is and who he wants to be. And, at the heart of it, this is when I was able to start relating to him the most.
    1. Psychotic's Avatar
      Psychotic -

    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -

      Aimio Nagi - roman-ranman - The Abyss

      The moment is famous! And really impressive. I always used Vincent in my party after he has joined.
    1. Puft's Avatar
      Puft -
      I felt bad for Cloud during Nibelheim. It made him appear to be such a liar to his team. I still wonder how much the "townspeople" had been paid to live there like that. Permanent acting career anyone?

      About that picture, I like the utter confusion on both Cloud and Tifa's faces.
    1. DrAssenov's Avatar
      DrAssenov -
      roman... your art... it's like a dream. You make me want to level up! Vincent looks wonderfully bishounen here!
    1. LadyJuxtaposition's Avatar
      LadyJuxtaposition -
      Seeing Vincent Valentine right now I begin to have a nosebleed moment. Beautiful render Roman!
    1. Psychotic's Avatar
      Psychotic -

      Wonderful Vincent art there!
    1. Nut's Avatar
      Nut -
      Waahtis, I like how many details of Cosmo Canyon you managed to get in, that place sure had a lot of little rooms to get lost in--I like the touches of blue shading in the ground, and the motion of Nanaki running up the stairs. The way you drew Bugenhagen's head large against the whole multicolored cosmic projection in the background really gives the sense of the enormity of the discussion!

      Very peaceful scene around the campfire, I like how Cait Sith is silhouetted against the bright glow of the fire.

      Fantastic work on the image of Nanaki howling!! It's one of my favorite scenes and I'm loving the silhouettes of the rock walls against the sky and the hazy glows around the moon and Nanaki's flaming tail. The bright red glow around Nanaki draws attention to him and the silhouette of his father against the moon is just as dramatic as it should be, while the party members in the foreground are shadowed so as not to distract from the scene, but there's still an amazing amount of care and detail put into their poses and expressions. I'm particularly loving that their proportions are just the way I always imagined the characters because of their blocky onscreen models.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -

      NikolaDrca - NikolaDrca - Serbia

      Final Fantasy VII moja omiljena igra i bilo je jako teško odlučiti se koju lokaciju izabrati za crtanje.Na kraju je izbor po na jedan od najčudnijih gradova u igri,Rocket Town.Iako je u igri ovaj grad predstavljen dosta tmurno,u svoj ilustraciji sam ga uradio sa mnogo svetlijim i veselijim bojama.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Click it. Click the art. It's massive.
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