• This Week In Social Media: Week 3!

    Welcome to another addition to This Week in Social Media, where Dat Matt and I expose you to the horrors greatness our social media sites have to offer!


    Reddit -

    Source - Reddit user Mastervaati

    Who doesn't love One-Wing Angel? On the organ? During Church?


    Google+ -

    A beautiful Yuna cosplay! They've even got the water effects going on!

    Source - Google+ use Jack Skellington


    Facebook -

    The men of FFVII looking very pretty with their beautiful status preventing ribbons!

    Source - Facebook user Robert Lewis via Final Fantasy Facebook group


    Twitter -

    You know what two game series are awesome? Final Fantasy and Zelda. It was only a matter of time before the two were merged!

    Source - Twitter user @15thCrystal


    Tumblr -

    Just Ivalice Things~

    Source - Tumblr user Just Ivalice Things


    Pinterest -

    Cloud looking none too pleased on his adorable chocobo.

    Source - Pinterest user Chris B


    And that's what we have for you this week! We hope you've enjoyed, and as always, feel free to suggest anything you might like to see next week! Ta ta for now

    Google +
    This article was originally published in forum thread: This Week In Social Media: Week 3! started by Pumpkin View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      I love the Zelda logos and the ribbon thing made me giggle!
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      Dat Yuna cosplay.
    1. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
      sharkythesharkdogg -
      That's a great video.
    1. fat_moogle's Avatar
      fat_moogle -
      I love Cloud, Vincent and Cid in their ribbons! I hope Final Fantasy XV goes for this kind of style xD
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