• Square Enix Prepares To Make Us Feel Old

    Getting a head start on celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Final Fantasy Franchise next year, Square Enix has opened a site dedicated to it at http://www.finalfantasy.jp/30th/. Unfortunately, the site is entirely in Japanese, so unless you plan on brushing up on your Nihongo, then the most you'll get out of it is watching the promo video and listening to the sweet tunes that play in the background. There's no word yet (in English anyway) on what they plan on doing to celebrate the big 3-0, or if they plan on celebrating it world wide (they may wait for the western release anniversary to do that, however, that won't be until 2020).
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Square Enix Prepares To Make Us Feel Old started by Colonel Angus View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. maybee's Avatar
      maybee -
      * Old man voice * Back in my day, we had grey playstation ones, and small memory cards, and Final Fantasy VII and main characters named Cloud. Kids these days with their Noct and boyband roadtrips, why I oughta !!!!

    1. TheKeybasHKey's Avatar
      TheKeybasHKey -
      I just go into Final Fantasy i donīt feel old, yet.
    1. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
      MJN SEIFER -
      "Didn't have any fancy-schmancy job systems"? Oh, so Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy V didn't ever exist then? Fair enough...

      Actually complaining about the younger generation while forgetting what your generation was like, is pretty accurate in my opinion.
    1. Sephiroth's Avatar
      Sephiroth -
      Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Angus View Post
      When I was younger you didn't even exist!
    1. Snap Jumper's Avatar
      Snap Jumper -
      Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
      * Old man voice * Back in my day, we had grey playstation ones, and small memory cards, and Final Fantasy VII and main characters named Cloud. Kids these days with their Noct and boyband roadtrips, why I oughta !!!!
      You kids and your fancy things...when I was growing up Final Fantasy was on Nintendo, it was cartridges, and there were no save points. And we didn't even get half the games in the US! The series existed before VII.

      If you're gonna do Old Man Voice, you gotta do it right!
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