• Wonderswan Color Petition!!

    www.newff.com, a pretty nice Final Fantasy Website, has created a petition for Square and Bandai to bring The Wonderswan Color over to the United States. In case you're unaware, The Wonderswan Color is a GameBoy-like handheld system that was released in Japan a while back. Three very noteworthy games featured for the Wonderswan Color are, of course, Final Fantasy 1-3. As any veteran Final Fantasy fan knows, Final Fantasy 2 and 3 were never released in America- However, Final Fantasy 4 was released under the title FF2, and Final Fantasy 6 was released under the title FF3. But you should all know that by now.

    Anyway, you really should stop by and sign the petition to have the WSC and FF1-3 brought to America/Europe/Etc. The chances of the petition suceeding are quite slim, but hey. It worked for Chrono Trigger. It only takes about 3 minutes- go give that petition a signature, right away. Every little bit helps, and I assure you that the re-made WSC Final Fantasy games are positively stunning.

    SIgn The Petition!!
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