• Final Fantasy Versus XIII Tidbits

    In Japanese game magazine Gemaga, veteran game and character designer Tetsuya Nomura gave a few new bits of information about the latest Final Fantasy game to be announced, Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

    The game will feature a new and unique combat system, which is being designed by Toshiro Tsuchida, who has worked on games like Final Fantasy X and Front Mission. According to Nomura, the new battle system is said to be a mixture of styles from Kingdom Hearts and Dirge of Cerberus. A notable feature is that the weapon equipped to the character dictates the view perspective, for instance a Gun will change the view to the First Person mode, while a sword will be used in the Third Person perspective.

    On the subject of characters of the game, Nomura chose only to give a small comment about the Blonde haired character who appeared at Japan's Jump Fiesta 2007. Whether he is a villain or hero is unconfirmed, but Nomura said that the character is known as "Mr. 33cm", which is a reference to his shoe size. (Yes, that's right. Tetsy knew exactly what YOU were thinking.)

    Lastly, Nomura said that unfortunately, he can only work on one game at a time, so after Final Fantasy Versus XIII is completed he will be leaving the Final Fantasy series to concentrate Wholly on the Kingdom Hearts series.

    [Source: GamePro]
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