• Playstation 4 to complete the 'Circle of Life?'

    According to the recent report from Kotaku the next Playstation is known as the Orbis and is due for release in late 2013.

    Current specs reported are an AMD x64 CPU and an AMD Southern Islands GPU, but these are obviously subject to change over the time period. The current GPU is reported to be able to display resolutions of up to 4096x2160, with the added ability to produce 1080p 3D visuals, which is enough to make any 3D fanboy jump for joy, after the PS3 only managed to scrape 720p.

    Major downsides include no backwards compatibility, which resembles the nightmare of the PS3's launch. Sony are also keen to back the elimination of preowned games, whereby new games will apparently be locked to the original users PSN account. However all games will be up for download on the PSN, along with the standard Blu-Ray disc versions.

    One final point is the choice of name for Orbis. Orbis is Latin for Circle or Ring which, when coupled with Vitae (PS Vita anybody?) would create 'Circle of Life.' Aka, Sony's next generation console collection!

    Everyone is looking forward to more information on this, along with that of the next X-Box and maybe some more intel on the Wii-U. All eyes should be looking to this year's E3, it seems.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Playstation 4 to complete the 'Circle of Life?' started by I Don't Need A Name View original post
    Comments 40 Comments
    1. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
      NorthernChaosGod -
      Locking games to user accounts is some straight up bulltrout. I understand the used video game market is also kind of bulltrout for developers, but that's no reason to straight up lock games like that.
    1. Raistlin's Avatar
      Raistlin -
      Didn't we hear that same "no more used games!" spiel before the PS3 was released? I remain skeptical.
    1. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
      Jessweeee♪ -
      So in order for everyone in a household to get the full experience from their console, would each person have to buy every game separately?
    1. Alpha2099's Avatar
      Alpha2099 -
      No backwards compatibility is a MAJOR problem for me. Locking games doesn't sound cool, either. I'm not sure what Sony is thinking when they make decisions like this.
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      Orbis? ptf Locked to an account pft. Sony pft
    1. Hollycat's Avatar
      Hollycat -
      Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
      Orbis? pft Locked to an account pft. Sony pft
      I have nothing to add other than:
      No backwards compatability? pft.

      Well said.
    1. Sephex's Avatar
      Sephex -
      They can name it what they want, but if the lack of backwards compatibility and locked out used games turns out to be true I will be very disappointed.
    1. edczxcvbnm's Avatar
      edczxcvbnm -
      I barely play anything on my PS3 as it is. I will probably skip the PS4 all together when it comes because of a lack of exclusive games. With the majority of 3rd party games being multi console you should get the console that does what you want it to do. I also trust Sony the least out of the three console makers.
    1. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
      NorthernChaosGod -
      Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
      Didn't we hear that same "no more used games!" spiel before the PS3 was released? I remain skeptical.
      Did we? Hmm. Still sounds troubling that they'd even mention.
    1. krissy's Avatar
      krissy -
      they hahaha

      A Sony spokesperson declined to comment about these details, citing the company's policy not to comment on "rumors or speculation."
      the entire page is marked with a red RUMOR tag


      if i can't play used games on it i'm not buying it but i'm not going to lose hair over it. is the next microsoft console doing the same thing? according to that article it sort of is.

      i just also
      and it's weird because i used to before they became a part of that giant media conglomerate that includes jezebel et alia.
    1. Raistlin's Avatar
      Raistlin -
      krissy offers some important perspective here. I wouldn't base any conclusion off of that article; there's still a long way to go until we know anything conclusive.

      That being said, I think it's highly unlikely that I will get a PS4 for myself anytime in the foreseeable future after the launch, regardless of whether any of this is true.
    1. VeloZer0's Avatar
      VeloZer0 -
      The no backwards compatibility also really gets to me. Without backwards capability it takes much, much more for me to justify buying a new machine.

      I think Sony is dreaming of a world where everyone re-buys all of their favorite games every time a new system comes out.
    1. Raistlin's Avatar
      Raistlin -
      That reminds me, the lack of backwards compatibility thing strikes me as more likely simply because newer PS3s have sucked on that issue too (and apparently so does the Vita). Which just makes me wonder wtf Sony is thinking. The PS2 was good with backwards compatibility, and it was a great system that everyone wanted. Instead of sticking with something that worked, they have gotten continually worse.
    1. Depression Moon's Avatar
      Depression Moon -
      Coming this early I'm going to take this with a grain of salt and I most likely won't upgrade to the next generation as I still have plenty of catching up to do on the PS3, Wii, PS2, GBA, SNES, and NES.
    1. Pete for President's Avatar
      Pete for President -
      I think this will be the moment where I turn into an old man, wave my cane and say: the PS2 days, now that was something!
    1. Shattered Dreamer's Avatar
      Shattered Dreamer -
      I honestly don't see myself buying another console after this current generation. I find the older I get the more interests I have outside of gaming (fitness & weight training are taking over my life in a big way) & with the big game companies pretty much just churning out sub par games that will sell millions & the gravitation towards games almost completely based around online features, I find myself increasingly alienated as a gamer so I've found my free time is more lifting kettle bells then holding a controller. I very rarely get excited for new games any more. Borderlands 2 is honestly probably the only other new game I'll buy in 2012 & possibly MGS:R maybe.

      If I'm paying full retail price for a game I want minimum 30 hours or at the very least reasons to play the 5 or 6 hour game 3 or 4 times over (multiple endings, new game plus etc). Bethesda (for all their buggy problems) & Rockstar are the only 2 game companies I feel haven't forgotten about gamers such as myself. If they lock games to PSN accounts & since pre owned games make up 3/4 of my PS3 collection that means I definitely won't bother.
    1. Hollycat's Avatar
      Hollycat -
      Honestly, I'm thinking it's about time for a fourth party to enter the arena with a product that is better than everyone elses.
    1. GhandiOwnsYou's Avatar
      GhandiOwnsYou -
      Locking games would be console suicide and Sony knows it, I call bull. They need two things to keep me interested, PS3 grade customization options (ie; swap in any laptop SATA drive, User created themes, accepting most/any Usb and blue tooth accesories rather than Officially Licensed only garbage, etc.) and at least allowing download/play of PSN purchases from this generation. I don't particularly care about disc based backwards compatability, I keep my old gen consoles hooked up all the time anyway, but not rolling over PSN stuff would bug the hell out of me.
    1. Peegee's Avatar
      Peegee -

      well a lot of gaming distributors are moving toward an account only 'license' system. for example steam games you own are actually licensed, for when 'steam' goes bankrupt one day or shuts down, all of your games will be lost forever.

      Sony appears to be going this route, according to the rumour. I'm okay with that, but instead of locking the game to a particular console, which is difficult to maintain (what if you change consoles bc you damaged it?), it should be tied to your PSN account.
    1. Wolf Kanno's Avatar
      Wolf Kanno -
      Quote Originally Posted by Hypoallergenic Cactuar View Post
      Honestly, I'm thinking it's about time for a fourth party to enter the arena with a product that is better than everyone elses.
      Sega and the Dreamcast 2?

      I'm skeptical about whether any of this is true. The tech garbage makes it sound authentic but even I can't imagine Sony trying to lock out the used game business. It is a necessary evil of the gaming market that's mainly a by product of the high cost of games and systems, which in turn created the viscous circle the gaming world has found itself in. The backwards compatibility doesn't quite bother me cause I feel the PS3 has definetly been the weakest of the Sony systems so no real love loss if I can't play them on the PS4, and I find it hard to believe that Sony is going to just drop old PSN accounts and make you re-buy your old school PS1 games and PSN exclusives titles. So I'm pretty confident that at least that will transfer over unless Sony want it's only decent part of it's company to go down in flames like the rest of the company has been.

      As far as tech goes, and this goes for all three companies, I don't give much of a crap about HDTV, excellent audio and compatibility with every electric device in my house. I just want a gaming console, not a home entertainment center that will jack up the price to absurdity. As far as the tech side goes, all I want to hear about the next generation is from the developers themselves who I hope will simply explain how the games hardware will be cost effective and easy to use, so I can get great games in half the development time of today's titles and a fair bit less expensive since those development times will be cost effective.
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