• Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #4

    Why hello there. Proto here with a brand spanking new week of FF fan art for us to enjoy. This marks week four, meaning it's been nearly a month since the debut of the Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week. How exciting is that? What's also exciting is our growing art galleries in our DeviantArt group. So please come by and see what we have in there. Now it's time to see what's in store in this week's showcase!

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    FFVIII: Laguna Loire

    We have here is this nice clean artwork of Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII. Yes, he's quite the hottie as some of you ladies would definitely say about him. Hell, even I think he's hot!

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    A long journey awaits

    Ah, Rydia. What a cute picture we have with this stylized picture of adult Rydia in chibi form. You know how that is. A big head on a small body. Just adorable!

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    White Mage Choco

    A rather cute depiction of a chocobo dressed as a white mage. It's so adorable, I shall name him Goldenboko!

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    Final Fantasy XI friends

    You don't see fan art of FF XI very often around, but here's one featuring a player and her friends' characters while farming seals in Abyssea. Well, that's what the artist claims anyway! I wouldn't really know myself, but it's a rather nice artwork.

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    Capping off this week is this lovely painting of Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII-2. You can also visit the artist's tumblr here to see several pictures of it in the process of being worked on, from sketch to the final finished product.

    That finishes off this week of amazing artwork by the great fans of Final Fantasy. Tune in next week to see more fan art. Is there a specific character or game you want to see more art for next week? Comment with your suggestions.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #4 started by Agent Proto View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Goldenboko's Avatar
      Goldenboko -
      Excellent collection! Perhaps the best yet! Or maybe I'm just partial to the Boko!
    1. Shorty's Avatar
      Shorty -
      I quite like the chibi Rydia!

      Nice finds, Proto, as always.
    1. Depression Moon's Avatar
      Depression Moon -
      I love the chocobo white mage and Lightning drawing the most.
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