• Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #7

    Welcome to another exciting week! We have some great fan art to show off this week, so sit back, relax, and enjoy yourselves. As always, with art from the fans of Final Fantasy, be sure to visit the sources and give the artists your compliments if you like their stuff. They will love you forever. I know I will! :3

    Source 1

    Oppa Gangnam Fantasy VII - HEYSEXYLADY

    We've all seen this Oppa Gangnam Style video millions of time already, and we've seen it parodied just as many times. However, I don't think many of us had seen Cloud and Sephiroth do that elevator scene before, so here's something that fits that description! Op! Op! Oppa Gangnam Fantasy!

    Source 2


    A rather nice pencil drawing of Rikku from her Final Fantasy X-2 appearance.

    Source 3


    Ah, Fran. What could we do without you? This lovely piece looks as if it was made by oil painting. Even if it wasn't, it's still a very nice artwork.

    Source 4

    FFXII Lightning Color

    Well, guess it looks like Lightning is into photoshoots herself, as it appears she's on the cover of some sort of fashion magazine.

    Source 5

    Final Fantasy 7

    Aptly named Final Fantasy 7, this art is actually about the dark haired, blue eyed Zack Fair. His skin looks so soft, and his eyes are so vibrant. He's so dreamy~

    And that ends this week's showcase. Not a great selection of art, you say? Pish posh! Every week is a great week of fan art! Tune in next week for more exciting fan art!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #7 started by Agent Proto View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Goldenboko's Avatar
      Goldenboko -
      Oh my god. The Gangnam Style Parody is amazing.
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      That's an amazing Lightning. I'ma go fav that on dA xD
    1. Jiro's Avatar
      Jiro -
      The intricate details on Fran's armour are pretty fantastic. I love that Zack too, what magical shading.

      Also the Gangnam Style parody is amazing. Just have to reinforce what GoBo already said!
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