• Join me for Final Fantasy Oneathon live-stream this Sunday

    Introducing the First And Likely Last Annual
    Final Fantasy Oneathon!

    What: Final Fantasy One live-stream spectacular
    Where: Dr Unne's Twitch.tv channel
    When: Sunday Nov. 17th, starting 12:00 noon PST (20:00 GMT I think?) and ending when I beat the game or die of starvation
    Why: I donno
    Who: Dr Unne with special guest-star Skye-chan!
    This weekend I'll be streaming myself playing through the entirety of FF1 on PSP. It's going to be around 10 hours of nonstop FF1. Or longer, if I suck at the game and die a lot!

    Will I survive the experience? Will the sheer amount of FF1 goodness bring the Twitch servers to their knees? Will I spontaneously break into song[1]? Will my droning monotone voice put viewers into comas? Will there be CASH PRIZE GIVEAWAYS[2]? Only one way to find out!

    This event is sponsored by Myself, and benefits your brain as it experiences a roller coaster ride of FF1 excitement and adventure. Join me and chat about video games, or reminisce about that Golden Era of EoFF[3] where I ruled these forums with the iron fist of justice!

    FF1 Party Character Naming Contest!

    Everyone who posts in this thread this week will be entered automatically into my FF1 Party Character-Naming Contest!

    On Friday night I will PM four random people who posted here, and each of them will get to name one of the party members I will play on stream!

    Names have a 6-letter limit including a small selection of potential punctuation characters!

    Join me this Sunday!

    If I have to sit around talking to myself for 10 hours I'm going to jump off a bridge!

    Exclamation marks!

    [1]: No
    [2]: No
    [3]: Inspired by true events
    Comments 53 Comments
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by Dr Unne View Post
      I was thinking about opening the party selection up as a poll, and then my wife suggested that everyone would probably vote 4x Black Belt. And that was the end of that idea.
      You could have played it even better by having us vote, but either limiting it to 1 slot per class, or just not including BB in the voting options.
      I second this idea, but allowing BB purely because I know all your most hilarious comments and the like on FFClassic were to do with BB's, so it will allow for entertainment value. ;D
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      I could do F/BB/WM/BM if it'll appease the masses. I want F/WM/BM so I can show off the good equipment and spells in the game to people who've never seen them before.
    1. Pike's Avatar
      Pike -
      No matter how this goes or what team it's with, it's going to be good.

      I'm not doing a damn thing on Sunday so I'll probably pop in for a few hours, depending on how NaNoWriMo is looking.
    1. Jiro's Avatar
      Jiro -
      I approve of your team set up, no need to change it. Maybe not the easiest way to win but it should be an exciting journey. Also no need to apologise about time zones, Australia always gets shunted to I'm used to being dynamic with my sleep
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      12 short hours remain to get a chance to name my characters. Post in this thread before it's too late.
    1. Leeza's Avatar
      Leeza -
      Hey! Hi there. I'll be watching. It's been way too long since I've seen any FFI.
      F/BB/WM/BM is my favorite party so this should be fun.
    1. Lone Wolf Leonhart's Avatar
      Lone Wolf Leonhart -
      Quote Originally Posted by Dr Unne View Post
      What's that you ask? What party will I be using? I'm going to go completely crazy and try this one. I know it's a stretch, but bear with me.

      In other news, I'm a bit nervous that the PS4 release will murder Twitch's servers this weekend. Here's hoping.
      This is the party I used when I first beat Final Fantasy

      I always put the thief as my number one. I know people generally pick other classes but the thief is my favorite. My first experience with FFI was Origins for the PS1. I remember clicking it on for the first time and thinking "hey he looks like Link from The Legend of Zelda". Minus the pink boots, of course.

      I've never seen someone play it on the PSP. I'll try and stop in!

      I've actually always wanted to hear your thoughts on the "real" Dr Unne, so that should make for interesting commentary.
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      This thread and this even is making me want to play it myself. I'm super pumped!
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      Congrats to the winners of the FF1 Character Naming Contest.

      Lone Wolf Leonhart - gets to name Warrior (Fighter)
      Pancaek - gets to name Monk (Black Belt)
      Tasura - gets to name White Mage
      Pike - gets to name Black Mage

      Let me know your selections before Sunday or I'll have to pick another person to think of a name for you.
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      I am hoping to drop in and catch at least a little bit of this. GMT and all that.

      Hopefully my brick of a laptop won't seize up trying to cope with the ultimate pressures of streaming via Twitch. ._.
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      If you can view Youtube videos you can probably handle Twitch.
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      All of the characters have names. Thanks everyone who helped out with that. There were no profanity names, so you've exceeded my expectations.

      See you all tomorrow at noon PST.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Awwww, no profanity. I sure hope by "no profanity" you mean "one of them is named Penis".
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
    1. Pike's Avatar
      Pike -
      Half hour ya'll, get in here OrigamiWombat - Twitch
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      FF1 time~
    1. Aulayna's Avatar
      Aulayna -
      Wow those sprites are actually pretty purdy
    1. Shauna's Avatar
      Shauna -
      How is the marathon going? I had to drop out from the stream due to internet issues right at the start. xD
    1. Leeza's Avatar
      Leeza -
      Sorry you had to leave. It's still going very well. Beautiful graphics.
    1. Lone Wolf Leonhart's Avatar
      Lone Wolf Leonhart -
      Things are heating up!

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