• Join me for Final Fantasy Oneathon live-stream this Sunday

    Introducing the First And Likely Last Annual
    Final Fantasy Oneathon!

    What: Final Fantasy One live-stream spectacular
    Where: Dr Unne's Twitch.tv channel
    When: Sunday Nov. 17th, starting 12:00 noon PST (20:00 GMT I think?) and ending when I beat the game or die of starvation
    Why: I donno
    Who: Dr Unne with special guest-star Skye-chan!
    This weekend I'll be streaming myself playing through the entirety of FF1 on PSP. It's going to be around 10 hours of nonstop FF1. Or longer, if I suck at the game and die a lot!

    Will I survive the experience? Will the sheer amount of FF1 goodness bring the Twitch servers to their knees? Will I spontaneously break into song[1]? Will my droning monotone voice put viewers into comas? Will there be CASH PRIZE GIVEAWAYS[2]? Only one way to find out!

    This event is sponsored by Myself, and benefits your brain as it experiences a roller coaster ride of FF1 excitement and adventure. Join me and chat about video games, or reminisce about that Golden Era of EoFF[3] where I ruled these forums with the iron fist of justice!

    FF1 Party Character Naming Contest!

    Everyone who posts in this thread this week will be entered automatically into my FF1 Party Character-Naming Contest!

    On Friday night I will PM four random people who posted here, and each of them will get to name one of the party members I will play on stream!

    Names have a 6-letter limit including a small selection of potential punctuation characters!

    Join me this Sunday!

    If I have to sit around talking to myself for 10 hours I'm going to jump off a bridge!

    Exclamation marks!

    [1]: No
    [2]: No
    [3]: Inspired by true events
    Comments 53 Comments
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      THE END!
    1. Psychotic's Avatar
      Psychotic -
      Oh man, really? I woke up hoping I could catch the end of it! Oh well, I hope everyone had a fun time. Is there a feature where the full video can be watched now that the stream is over?
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      He's talking over the credits but i think so afterward it will be.
    1. Leeza's Avatar
      Leeza -
      I think that it will all be archived on Twitch.
    1. Tasura's Avatar
      Tasura -
      Here is a link to the full video.
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      I made it at juuuuuuuuuuuust under 11 hours. I got to Chaos around the time I expected to, but I didn't know he had 20k HP in the PSP version, and I was woefully unprepared. I had to grind levels for another hour and then I managed him.

      I embedded the chat in the video the whole time just in case anyone wants to watch any part of the archives. Use the link Tasura posted: http://www.twitch.tv/origamiwombat/b/480684933

      Thanks a bunch everyone who hung out all day or part of the day. Hope you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun.

      Attachment 48469
    1. Shlup's Avatar
      Shlup -
      I didn't expect you to kick his ass so hard on the second try, since you didn't level up all that much.

      I wish I could say I see why you like this game now. Stupid 1987.
    1. Pike's Avatar
      Pike -
      I had to drop out about halfway through due to my early bedtime but the first half was indeed very enjoyable Glad to see there was a pretty big turnout.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      First thing I did at my PC when I woke up was watch you beat Chaos. Was great fun watching/listening for the first few hours, though, I really enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. You had good interaction with the audience and there were a lot of people watching, so I'm really chuffed this went so well. We should do this more often!

      I really want to start streaming FFXIV using Twitch, but when I tried it, it kept cutting out constantly. Any advice regarding this would be appreciated. I use Open Broadcasting Software at the moment, since it's free. It works fine for Football Manager 2013, but I suspect something to do with the fact that both smitten and I are playing an MMO like FFXIV is using a lot of our network resources and perhaps the stream on top of that just won't work. Not sure, though... maybe I can tweak it to work a little better.
    1. Del Murder's Avatar
      Del Murder -
      I popped in a couple times. It was cool that you did this.
    1. Elskidor's Avatar
      Elskidor -
      I didn't end popping in for long, but I did a few times and what I saw was fun. I didn't think the game was so short though...I mean, I knew it was a short game, but not that short. Well done.
    1. Lone Wolf Leonhart's Avatar
      Lone Wolf Leonhart -
      This was fun. I asked Unne plenty of questions and found out things I didn't know from when I played it. For example, weapons can be used as reusable items. Throw your gauntlets at someone for thundara and it will still be in your inventory. Saw the use of spells I never use like invisira or the steroid abilities of the strength tonic. I think that's what pushed him over the edge for the last boss is using 50 thousand of those and making pancakes out of him.

      I was there on and off throughout the day but stayed for the last few hours. If you stream again in the future I'll stop in.
    1. Dr Unne's Avatar
      Dr Unne -
      Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
      First thing I did at my PC when I woke up was watch you beat Chaos. Was great fun watching/listening for the first few hours, though, I really enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. You had good interaction with the audience and there were a lot of people watching, so I'm really chuffed this went so well. We should do this more often!

      I really want to start streaming FFXIV using Twitch, but when I tried it, it kept cutting out constantly. Any advice regarding this would be appreciated. I use Open Broadcasting Software at the moment, since it's free. It works fine for Football Manager 2013, but I suspect something to do with the fact that both smitten and I are playing an MMO like FFXIV is using a lot of our network resources and perhaps the stream on top of that just won't work. Not sure, though... maybe I can tweak it to work a little better.
      That's why Twitch is great. It's the next best thing to a bunch of people sitting on a couch playing a game together. Except only one person gets to play. Everyone was helping out when I started failing hard at Chaos. It was a team effort.

      There are a lot of things that affect how well you can stream. Your CPU and network upload speed would be the two most important. CPU might be the limiting factor for a game like FFXIV (guessing blindly here). That game is already CPU-intensive.

      Reduce the resolution of FFXIV and make OBS use the same resolution for your stream, so that OBS doesn't need to scale the video. I can run games at 1920x1080 at 60+ FPS, but my computer can't stream smoothly at anything over 1280x720 at 30FPS. Then start turning off visual effects in FFXIV until it streams smoothly. Also hope you live physically close to a Twitch server that doesn't suck.

      Quote Originally Posted by Elskidor View Post
      I didn't end popping in for long, but I did a few times and what I saw was fun. I didn't think the game was so short though...I mean, I knew it was a short game, but not that short. Well done.
      I was hurrying a bit. I was running from a lot of battles and I already knew where everything was, and I wasn't reading all the dialog. If someone was playing blind, it'd be a longer game. Every game is pretty short when you rush it, actually. Here's someone beating FF6 in 4.5 hours:

      EssentiaFour - FFVI SS Speedrun - 4:36 game time, 4:57 real time - Twitch
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