• 5 Concerns About the Final Fantasy VII Remake Announcement

    5 Concerns About the Final Fantasy VII Remake Announcement

    It finally happened. Square Enix have dropped us the bombshell of the decade – Final Fantasy VII is being remade for the PS4 with a sleek graphical makeover. Fans have been shouting, wailing, begging SE to do it for years and their prayers have finally been answered. Now don’t get us wrong – we're just as excited to finally get confirmation on this as the next guy, but ever since the announcement was made and we got a glimpse of what the game is intended to look, we’ve had certain… concerns. Of course, considering how large the FF fanbase is, and how beloved a game FFVII is, it goes without saying that not everyone will be satisfied with the final outcome. Here are some things we feel may happen in this remake that will make most fans angry.

    5. The game will play differently

    The gaming industry has undergone substantial changes over the years. What was acceptable by the gaming public at large in 1997 when FFVII originally came out may not be as hotly anticipated nowadays. Turn-based combat is one such element that used to sit pretty well with everyone back in the day, but now attracts so much scrutiny that we really think SE might be thinking of changing the combat in Final Fantasy VII. Many fans of the original adore the old school ATB system, but if the company decides pandering to the nostalgia of long-time fans is not enough, they will probably opt to attract a new crowd using a system that is considered much less dated. So, it’s likely that we’ll get an action RPG much like the upcoming FFXV or the recently released Type-0 HD. Other options include real-time/turn-based hybrids like FFXIII. Though at this point only time will tell what changes will be made to the gameplay, if any. Hopefully, we’ll at least get to play around with the materia system, even if in the end it turns out the only character we get to directly control is Cloud. Speaking of changes…

    4. You know the tone won’t be the same

    As many EoFFers have already pointed out, Final Fantasy VII had its fair share of bizarre scenes. And we remember them fondly – all the weird squats we made Cloud do, the infamous Honeybee Inn sidequest, and even Barret and Tifa’s hilarious banter when climbing the Shinra building. Now let’s try to remember Advent Children. It was nothing but dead, gray, joyless brooding. It appears as if at a certain point the creators just forgot that on top of having a story that’s trying to be more serious and deep, Final Fantasy VII was really quirky and fun. It's very likely that the tone we got served in that movie and other entries in the dreaded Compilation is what the creators might stick to for this remake. Now that we're at Advent Children

    3. The characters will be unrecognizable

    In the film, Cloud is emotionally stunted due to the trauma he has endured in the meantime between the game and the sequel. It may be presented with all the subtlety of a brick to the face, but it is nonetheless justified. However, Cloud’s personality retains the same depressive symptoms both in Crisis Core and Dissidia, which makes absolutely no sense. Remember that cocky ex-SOLDIER asshole who was in it all just for the money? And how in the past he was a bit dorky but still incredibly determined guy who practically killed Sephiroth despite holding no potential whatsoever? Yeah, all things considered, Cloud was pretty badass. But that’s not how he is remembered by SE, and I am really concerned that this broody Cloud from the Compilation is what we’ll be getting in the remake. If only that was the worst influence from the Compilation we could get…

    2. You know they’re going to tie into the Compilation, and oh boy, is it a mess…

    We usually don’t talk about the Compilation, and for good reason. Not only is it responsible for the drastic tone shift mentioned earlier, but the amount of retcons in this expansion of the FFVII universe is staggering. Final Fantasy VII was self-contained and that made it great. Sure, there was a deep backstory to the world and the characters that had the potential to be expanded but it was still not really necessary to expand on it. Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus have introduced some of the worst twists to that universe – the goddess of the planet (who doesn’t really make sense in the context of FFVII), the Deepground (makes even less sense) and Genesis. While the former two may be considered a mixed bag, Genesis and his poetry are universally loathed by the fanbase. But in the context of the FFVII universe, all of these elements are now considered canon, for better or worse. Then again, we may be getting ahead of ourselves, complaining about things that in the end may never even happen because…

    1. The Final Fantasy VII remake will take forever to come out

    If the troubled development of FFXV has taught us anything, it’s that a cool concept trailer with a promise of more still to come and not much else doesn’t really bode well for the game’s expected development period. Square Enix doesn’t seem to have caught on. So far, Final Fantasy XV has been in development for almost ten years, changed directors and numbers. Not only is the trailer barely a hint of what is in development now, just like with Versus, both projects were initially directed by Tetsuya Nomura who, bless his soul, is a tad too meticulous when it comes to polishing his babies. Then again, maybe the reason FFXV was stuck in development hell for so long is because Final Fantasy VII was being developed at the same time and we’ll get to play it sooner than we expect? Only time will tell.

    So what worries you most about the announcement of Final Fantasy VII on PS4? Let us know in the comments!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: 5 Concerns About the Final Fantasy VII Remake Announcement started by Fynn View original post
    Comments 127 Comments
    1. Wolf Kanno's Avatar
      Wolf Kanno -
      Was going to make this post as a separate thread but realized it was too similar to this thread to warrant a separate one. While none of these are actual concerns for the game, as I don't care about the remake will not likely get around to it until it's bargain price anyway, I did have a lovely conversation with a friend about the remake and what we both expected to see until we're proven wrong when SE releases more info.

      - No world map: The game will most likely build a world map closer to more recent FF games with a scaled world. The Highwind will work like X's airship with point and click features but the airship itself will be explorable.

      - New battle system: While I'm sure it will probably be a new variation of ATB, I'm expecting it to feel closer to XII and XIII's camp with some possible KH influence. Expect one controllable character with two A.I. partners you can customize. Due to feeling Materia won't be dramatically altered, it feels safe to say the A.I. will probably be a more simplistic version of XII's Gambit system since XIII's version is too restrictive for a dynamic customization system like Materia. I wouldn't be surprised if there were mini-QTE style elements in battle like Xenoblade just because VII's battle system was known for being very visual based and I can see SE wanting the battle system to feel like Advent Children.

      - No random encounters: Battling enemies on the field will probably be the same as XIII's system of seeing enemies, hitting them and going to the battle screen.

      - Materia System will be altered somewhat: I imagine it will be closer to Crisis Core's system with Blue Materia removed and turned into accessories and possibly having Summon materia work differently so that it won't require the player to need to equip either in materia slots. Most of the new spells and abilities in the Compilation will be introduced in the game and expect Materia Fusion to be a thing, though probably enhanced for a console version.

      - Enemy Skill Materia may be a no show or heavily altered: If the game is going to have a more action focused ATB system, I just don't see Blue Magic being part of that since it will involve slowing down combat when they want to keep it fast and visually high. Expect many of the spells to show up in materia form but either be merged with other Materia, like Beta being the fourth Lv Fire spell or being a new materia that grows like typical materia without the need to have enemies cast the spell on you.

      - Limit Breaks will be altered: Mainly, I expect most of the character's Limit Breaks to work similar to VIII and X's versions with each character having some mini-game element to it. I also expect some characters to get new ones and some animations will certainly change. Cloud and Tifa are likely not going to change because they're too iconic by this point but I can see Red XIII, Cid and Barret getting some replaced with new ones. Some skills will also change like Yuffie and Xiii's final limits will probably become multi-hit attacks and I can see Aerith getting an offensive Limit Break to add variety to her mostly defensive sets.

      - Cloud's Limit Breaks will probably get special treatment: I can totally see Cloud getting variations of his standard Limit Break animations based on being used in certain boss battles. I totally expect Cloud's Braver or Cross Slash Limits getting special theatrical animations when used against Rufus on the Shin-Ra Building or the battles against the Turks and Jenova.

      - Sephiroth will get a Limit Break: I totally expect Sephiroth to have access to Octoslash in the Nibelheim Flashback and in the final dream duel.

      - The Dream Duel will be longer, more cinematic, and less one sided: Expect it to play out more like a QTE that makes the battle look like Advent Children.

      - There will get a new Ultimate Weapons: Because SE has done this with most of their remakes/enhanced ports so I don't see them changing it now. Most of the cast will probably retain their original Ultimate Weapons but I expect Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and Barret will get new ones. I am totally expecting Cloud's Buster Sword to pull a Chrono Trigger style Masemune upgrade, with Cloud doing a quest to find Zack's grave and having the Buster Sword upgraded into his new superweapon.

      - Sapphire will be a new optional boss: He'll survive getting hit with the Junon cannon and join Ruby and Emerald as optional superbosses.

      - There will be a few more optional bosses this time around: I expect Gilgamesh will make a return in Battle Square and while I feel he'll be largely absent from the actual game script beyond some references, I totally expect Genesis to be an optional boss you can fight in the Shin-Ra basement.

      - Expect lots of references to the Compilation: The script will be altered to fit neatly in with the Compilation universe. While I don't expect to see Genesis in Nibelheim, I do expect to hear people murmuring about Genesis' rebellion, have Jessie talk about the original Avalanche, references to the other Turks, have several locations from the Compilation be accessible, and have reports in the Shin-Ra building talk about Deepground and Project G.

      - Cissinei will probably be added into the game: I totally expect her to be the only real change from the compilation to make it into the game. Granted her role will probably be muted and not very big. Nomura said they wouldn't introduce any new characters to the story, but that doesn't mean they can't add old characters introduced from the rest of the Compilation.

      Some of the interactive minigame events will changed/removed: While the bike race is iconic and will remain only with altered controls and better playability, I'm not sure about the submarine mission and snowboarding. The submarine section is a coin toss on whether it will survive based on the world design of the game. Snowboarding will likely be altered because the scene in question is kind of silly. With all that said, I expect the minigames to all appear in Wonder Square like the original game and I bet they will use the old PS1 graphics to boot.

      - The Cross dressing sidequest will mostly be untouched: This part of the game is too iconic to be altered too much but expect the requirements to be expanded and to have the gay/drag queen characters toned down in fear of being hit by the PC police.

      - Some characters will be changed in personality: I expect Heideggar and Scarlet to be less cartoony, Rufus more charming and less obviously evil, Palmer and Corneo will be more cartoonish and most returning characters will play out like their post VII appearances. Expect Gloom Cloud, Smug Sephiroth, and Wacky Reno to be their new default characterization.

      - The script will be rewritten and better localized: It's going to feel closer to FFIV DS script where entire dialogue sections are rewritten to sound less cheesy. While some lines will probably stay for nostalgia ("This Guy are sick" and "Let's mosey") expect scenes like Barret's speech about the golden string of hope and Cloud's childish philosophical rant to Sephiroth about Aerith's death to be completely changed to sound more mature and less silly.

      - Despite the changes, expect the game to still feel silly at times: I doubt the plot will be rewritten too much so there will be still some gnarmy moments and 16-bit logic plot threads to still remain in the game.

      These are just some of the things my friend and I discussed.
    1. Mirage's Avatar
      Mirage -
      Quote Originally Posted by sora_lion_heart View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
      what does "3d mapping 100%" mean
      Most of VII you go the whole game without turning the camera. What I mean by 3d mapping is you can turn the map and see it from high/low, left/right. The world map and underwater is 3d mapping.
      Well if you meant a player controllable camera you should have said that!
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
      - No random encounters: Battling enemies on the field will probably be the same as XIII's system of seeing enemies, hitting them and going to the battle screen.
      That's probably the best change they can make, honestly. It won't be nearly as disruptive.
    1. Fox's Avatar
      Fox -
      A friend of mine absolutely loves random encounters, and I don't know why. They're the most annoying part of any old Final Fantasy game for me. Especially when you're in the middle of solving an environmental puzzle.

      Say what you will about the atrocious Cloister of Trials in FFX, but imagine how much worse they would have been with encounters on. *shudder*
    1. Fynn's Avatar
      Fynn -
      Meh, i don't really care if there are random encounters or not, personally. Both approaches are fine by me.
    1. Ayen's Avatar
      Ayen -
      Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
      A friend of mine absolutely loves random encounters, and I don't know why. They're the most annoying part of any old Final Fantasy game for me. Especially when you're in the middle of solving an environmental puzzle.

      Say what you will about the atrocious Cloister of Trials in FFX, but imagine how much worse they would have been with encounters on. *shudder*
      I would have thrown my PS2 out the window.
    1. Fynn's Avatar
      Fynn -
      Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
      A friend of mine absolutely loves random encounters, and I don't know why. They're the most annoying part of any old Final Fantasy game for me. Especially when you're in the middle of solving an environmental puzzle.

      Say what you will about the atrocious Cloister of Trials in FFX, but imagine how much worse they would have been with encounters on. *shudder*
      I would have thrown my PS2 out the window.
      I still think the Sun Sigil minigame is way worse than that
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