- Rosa or Rydia: who's the better heroine?
- How do you pronounce Rydia's name
- ff4 psx IS WAY TO HARD
- When do you get wall?
- how to turn monsters udead?
- embarassing ff4 sucky moments
- FF Chronicles
- Need help on FF4
- Are Lunarian names ALWAYS in sylibles?
- HELP! Pink tail in FFIV (actually, alert?)
- Favotrite FF4 charicter
- FF4: Hardest boss
- Dark Knight V Paladin (spoilers)
- My Opinions on the FF4 Characters (Spoilers Duh!)
- ff4 imp
- FF IV mist cave mist problem
- The Rat Tail in ff4???
- ff4 easytype vs hardtype (opinion needed)
- ff4 walls and doors
- rom editor...
- They were good for their time...
- in ff4 can i get the call slyphs?
- Easiest FF boss in FF1 - FF4?
- FF4 Dream Team
- Strongest Dark Knight
- Knife/spoon in FF4
- Imp/Mage/Bomb/Cockatris?
- Edward's Hide Ability
- Edward: Prince of Wimps
- Zeromous = Sauron?
- Favorite FF4 Dungeon?
- FFIV Royal Rumble
- Ahhhh, Zeromus
- Funny thing I saw in FFIV. [Chronicles]
- I can't beat Valvias.
- Did anyone else like Cecil better as a Dark Knight?
- Quick Question
- Questions about Zeromus and other stuff.
- good FFIV website?
- Unexplained things in FFIV
- i need help with ffIV
- Final Fantasy IV: a question......and a tip
- FFIV walkthrough gone wrong
- FFIV translations...Which one is better?
- Rosa, wuss or hero?
- Adamant armor
- FF4H Rom problem
- mysidan legend
- FFIV problem plz help!!!
- help where do i train ff4
- does anyone
- FFIV from Chronicles
- Golbeze Devil Incarnate
- FF 4 bug? [SPOILERS]
- Is Rydia Strong Enough?
- FFIV's Main Character
- Final Fantasy IV Trivia
- HELP with FFIV
- The Mom Bomb thread
- Most pathetic FFIV Charector besides Edgar
- FFIV - quick question on character abilities (PSX version)
- Yangs weapons
- Help on the moon (good song title eh?)
- help!!! stuck on evil wall in ffIV(spoilers)
- ffIV lving up
- Were is the blacksmiths in the underground on FF4?
- final fantasy IV boss tournment
- trying to find some optional summons
- Rydia Question
- help with the four feinds in FFIV plz!
- Something I noticed...
- FFIV Odin and Bahamut
- Enlgish Releases
- Zemus [SPOILERS]
- Where does Fat Chocobo put the items you give him?
- FF4 is the BEST 2D final fantasy game ever!
- FF 4...? ><
- Ragnarok
- Final Fantasy IV - Everything You Know Is Wrong!
- Valvalis
- Favorite FFIV Boss
- FFIV challange (Freaks only :D)
- messed up lines from FF2 (US)
- FF4:Problem with Dark Elf
- ff2(US) final boss
- Should I play FFIV?
- FF4 help
- FFIV really annoying...
- FF IV rom hacks??
- FFIV. Is my beautiful Rydia missing a summon?
- FFIV when should I save the world?
- FFIV secret´s developers room
- wat level
- In case anyone cared
- Cave by Kaiko (FFIV)
- Does everyone know about this?
- FFIV surrvivor
- FF IV, I'm coming home.
- Roms
- Were is my 3d Cinimatics? (ff4)
- Rom editor
- You Know You've Played Too Much...
- Messing up with FF4 Script in images
- Question about FF4
- Edge versus Edgar
- dummies?
- Help on FFIV... AGAIN
- FF 4 Help! probably spoilers
- FF$ uhh i mean 4 mystery
- FF4 Help
- another ff4 problem...yeah thats right. ANOTHER ONE!
- Severe troubles with ffiv =[
- Super Famicon Emulator & Rom?
- battle backgrounds
- were can i find pink puffs????
- FF4J (FF 2 U.S. Version) Cheats/Codes?
- The Kain Connection
- dr. lugae on ffIV help!!
- which one is cooler dark knight cecil or paladin cecil
- a question about ff4
- FuSoYa [FFIV] (What's your opnion about him?)
- EB Games
- FF IV translation differences
- Best FFIV girl
- Why is Kain so cool???
- C E N S O R E D (FF4).
- Smut!
- levels
- Final Fantasy Chronicles cut-scenes
- Dark Knight Cecil
- The Intriguing Cast of FFIV - Your thoughts?
- How do I beat Odin????
- Now I can't beat Plague!(FFIV)
- FFIV - PSX Translation for PC!
- How has FF4 influenced your perception of life?
- What does Kung Fu Hustle have to do with FF?
- Looking for FF4 ending
- Help me! (FFII OR FFIV)
- Hi newbie here. Needs help with FFIV final boss.
- Graffiti on the wall of RPGs!
- Hardtype vs. Easytype
- FFIV IS bollocks!
- Final Fantasy IV Cheats
- Looking for summons
- Why does everyone hate Tellah?
- FFIV the control defense system in the giant thingy
- Final Fantasy 4 help
- Spoony
- FFIV mini-items
- porno book in FF4
- Problem with my FFIV ROM
- FF4 Status
- Anyone have a Translated FFIV rom that doesn't need a patch?
- Pink tail problems
- Should I start FFIV Again?
- Crystal Sword in IV
- final fantasy IV beat in 4 hours and 15 minutes
- who's FuSoYa???
- FF4Edit?
- It's oh so quiet and then JUST VOTE!
- FF IV for PS - Sounds aweful
- Thoughts on Final Fantasy 4's ending (not really a spoiler)
- FF IV points for PS
- Build-Up worthless?
- Final Fantasy IV's hidden developers room
- ... if you plz ...?
- FFIV finally goes to the GBA
- Emulators and ROMs...
- FFIV: The Thread
- Kind of an odd FFIV question.
- Baigan and calgazzo?!
- We have found out the truth
- Conan O Brian does Zeromus
- cecil the selfish.
- ok paladin or dark knight
- help! whit ff4 plz
- How quickly did you beat FF4?
- ff 4 hard type
- Dark elf!!!
- ff 4 ost
- FF 4 box art
- Was 4 the most epic of them all?
- Final Fantasy IV pics
- HELP!!! on ff4
- Final Fantasy IV NES Prototype
- Final Fantasy IV heads up support
- is there a...
- Do you know of any Magic Learning Lists anywhere?
- (ff4) I neED heLP with that annoYING dark eLF!
- Leveling up Palom and Porom...
- FF IV.......Lego Style!
- What did you think of the final party?
- Edge NEVER steals!
- Edge NEVER steals!
- Which Five (FFIV)
- Question about Kain
- FFIV, thou has hurt me greatly. (Spoilers ahead!)
- Magical units LvUps - FFIV Advance
- Brachioraidos is hard. :( (FFIV Advance - Spoilers abound)
- FFIV Adv - The Blacksmith is a cow! T_T
- how do u get excalibur on FF4????
- Kainazzo
- Good Leveling up Area?
- FFIV Adv - Odin is a cow! T_T - SPOILERS abound
- Questions about FFIV Advance...
- wtf is "Zeromus_EG"?
- Porum and Palom Statues
- FFIV screensaver?
- FF IV advance Glitches? (Spoilers)
- question about lunar ruins
- Anna and Golbez playable?
- Edward - The Real A Bards Tale
- help kupo ff4
- opinion plz
- quick question-ffIv
- Why do you like ffiv?
- Help Me on FFIV Adv.!
- boss help
- Ashura
- Magnetic Cave
- Extra summons
- palom or porom?
- CPU/Attack/Defense WHATEVER!
- Yeah, I know I suck at this game.
- GAH!! Lunar Trials!!
- Character Portarits
- Can't find odin
- Wyvern
- Pink tails
- How in the world...
- Whats your...
- Pwned
- GBA FF4 bestairy
- add a summon
- Tower of zot
- Zeromus
- Dammit!!!
- FF IV Advance -- The 9 Grimoires
- I just want to say
- can palom & porom be cured of the petrification?
- FF4 on GBA - New Dungeon
- FF4 Advance- Kains Jump Gimped?