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  1. What hours will u play FFXI?
  2. Question about like the battle system
  3. Your PC , for FF11.
  4. is your PC good enough?
  5. FFXI Expansion Disc!
  6. few questions need a few answers
  7. Summons in FF11
  8. Closed Beta Testing to Begin
  9. a wishlist again
  10. what about later?
  11. FFXI Nostalgia
  12. The Summon system
  13. Your charcters...yeepers
  14. *gasp!* FF11 beta test signup unveiled
  15. FF11 Questions
  16. OK OK, What about us UK ppl
  17. RPG forums Yes/No?
  18. How come I can't install FFXI expansion
  19. Questions bout FFXI
  20. Is FF11 only for PC?
  21. FF XI Jobs
  22. Is it really worth the money?
  23. do you have to play online?
  24. Here's an idea...
  25. Will this game be just one big treasure hunt
  26. Who got into the Beta test?
  27. Character
  28. Job Combinations
  29. Help me
  30. Don't call japanese Jap
  31. Is FFXI neverending
  32. Reviews of Final Fantasy XI please
  33. jeez
  34. FF XI for Linux
  35. Beta Testers
  36. Your progress
  37. Burning Question
  38. For Beta Testers only (look here)
  39. Please,please help me
  40. Opening FMV [Possible Spoilers]
  41. The Windurst Liberation Army
  42. One quick question please
  43. Come on ppl
  44. tarutaru
  45. A few more questions....
  46. where can i dowload FFXi soundtrack???
  47. Question...
  48. How Do You Ppl Know all that Stuff?
  49. Release in Europe
  50. Tetra Master, Mah-Jong you gonna play em?
  51. Awesome FFXI pics thread
  52. Possible ATI kit ship date
  53. FINAL FANTASY 11!!
  54. I just got my beta looking for party
  55. About FFXI
  56. i am new here
  57. whats the deal with nations????
  58. final fantasy ship dates...???
  59. Beta Testers on Tranquilizers??
  60. airships?
  61. cool songs
  62. The New final fantsy part 3
  63. battle endings?
  64. question about choosing races
  65. october release date
  66. playing Japanese FFXI
  67. Starting Jobs and Advanced Jobs
  68. Accessing Screenshots
  69. hi hi :) i have some questions :(
  70. FFXI
  71. sony... i hate you
  72. Fav FFX! Race
  73. FavFFXI Races
  74. i would really like FFXI sites
  75. Money
  76. EoFF Wants YOU!
  77. You can make up your own topic!!
  78. PS2 vs. PC
  79. Beta Testing for US and Canada...
  80. how many characters
  81. Beta rocks!!
  82. Levels! I need levels!
  83. Guilds & PVP
  84. A great info site.
  85. Armor
  86. 56k... bad? (...and other lag issues)
  87. Learning new spells...
  88. Healing Characters
  89. Site with lotsa info!!
  90. Moghouses/ Alliances
  91. Rare Items
  92. Synthesis Skills
  93. *Salutes*
  94. when do we send the HDD back etc..?
  95. PC and PS2 Account Interaction
  96. Poll (Fav. Races)
  97. Linkshells
  98. Skillchain
  99. Starting Jobs (The pole I promised.)
  100. Poll 2, Secondary Jobs
  101. Busy Citys
  102. Trading master swg account for ffxi beta (pc prefered)
  103. Pearls
  104. Deusarum de Bastok Official Members Thread
  105. Mages and Magic
  106. Servers?
  107. Playing in the U.S.?
  109. PC Release date?
  110. Character Size?
  111. FF11 Benchmark 2!
  112. Watch your backs PvP is coming to the game!
  114. world passes
  115. support ideas
  116. Will ff11 be able to compete with Everquest 2
  117. Those damn blue crystals
  118. Fishing?
  119. Will you be able to build your own houses and such
  120. Broadband
  121. Lighthouse Quest.
  122. Server....Who...What...When
  123. HMMMMM
  124. Australian info 4FFXI HELP
  125. World Passes....again....
  126. Amano Special Limited Edition Cover Art
  127. Basis of FFXI?
  128. UK PS2 Hard Drive may contain FF11 preinstalled.........
  129. the gun!!
  130. Help with a few questions?
  131. The Knight's of San d'Oria
  132. Last min Support class Questions.
  133. Order of the Light Clan
  134. Buying a New Computor Just to Play
  135. World Passes?
  136. what if you buy a new comp after you own the game
  137. Social Wear?
  138. WOW
  139. End of Beta Event
  140. Beta Reviews: Saying Goodbye.
  141. FF XI Penny Arcade Comic
  142. M4TT
  143. what job is everyone going to be,and what server do you hope to get on?
  144. gil...
  145. Playing FFXI W/ Friends When First Starting..
  146. World Pass question, please bear with me..
  147. Countdown...
  148. Can i play too?
  149. FFXI CD's!!
  150. Just a simple question?
  151. Summoners
  152. Dueling System
  153. Character/Race Matchup
  154. Question About the Harddrive
  155. Switching Kingdoms
  156. Graphics Card/Benchmark
  157. Food/Water
  158. How many different options on character appearance will you have
  159. Future FF Online Games?
  160. Smith/carpenter
  161. Extra charge for Tetra?
  162. Main Job/Adv. Job/Sub-Supporting Job?? somebody explain please
  163. White Mages
  164. Is it possible to drop a profession in this game at all?
  165. How smart are your enemies?
  166. Wanted: FAQ for the FFXI Forum
  167. A hello and a call to arms.
  168. Thief questions
  169. Taru Taru Heaven
  170. Question Concerning PCI Video Cards
  171. Regarding Summons
  172. Concerns?
  173. Taru Question
  174. Job matchups...
  175. pvp update
  176. Vana'diel Halloween
  177. Job quality, Job ability
  178. Its the 28th!!!!
  179. Not sure but i think sale is 29th
  180. Who else is waiting on EBGames.com?
  181. Hooray, I got it.
  182. Glorious Alliance members: read this
  183. UK Release Date!?
  184. who's waiting for the ps2 version??
  185. Login problems
  186. Servers, World Passes and the like.
  187. Friend List
  189. when is final fantasy 11 coming out? or is it out yet along time ago? or ..
  190. Problems
  191. Heaven's Tower in Windurst
  192. FF XI Money.
  193. My Travels
  194. Trick Staff
  195. Fairy Server(free WP)
  196. Bastok Mission: Cid's Geological Survey (I need help...)
  197. Installing FFXI.... Problems and help.
  198. Fastest Way for Income
  199. Where is everyone?
  200. Huge concern
  201. Windurst Mission #1
  202. Graphic Card
  203. FFXI only online?
  204. I have a concern about Price
  205. Max Level
  206. Dragoon Quest
  207. FFXI kicks Everquest's booty
  208. Star Onion Quest question
  209. Neck Armor...
  210. Who thinks the young boy in the intro has a strange resemblence to Anakin Skywalker
  211. hehe, I got ffXI for two dollars
  212. Worldpass Request
  213. Quadav Mission
  214. Armor or Weapons First? Money mngmnt problms...
  215. Easy newbie question
  216. So as of this point. What would your review of ff11 be
  217. Graphics problem! ARGH THE FLASHING!
  218. Turning a Tarutaru into Vivi or BM...
  219. Who has done nothing but runaround and look at the countryside
  220. Macros
  221. A question about monthly subscription and stuff...
  222. Need World Pass to Midgardsormr
  223. Patch
  224. Question before I go out and buy FFXI...
  225. Red Lotus LS
  226. Spawn 'claiming'
  227. I must be doing something wrong...
  228. Final Fantasy XI UK Release Date?
  229. Good combination of jobs? and whats that floating diamond?
  230. 30 days expired..what next?
  231. Multiclass
  232. Video card...
  233. Beastman Seal
  234. PlayOnline Play at the sametime
  236. hey yall a few Q's
  237. how is Bastok pronounced?
  238. If i buy this but...
  239. San D'Oria merchants
  240. World Pass for Siren available
  241. weapon skills
  242. Some questions
  243. FFXI subs and online questions
  244. How do get Gil fast
  245. Weapon Question
  246. Registering ouside of US
  247. Treant Bulbs
  248. Going To Sound Bad
  249. Gardening
  250. Backgrounds